Chapter 22

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Last night was one of the worse ones again. I just couldn't calm down. I'm still so mad at Lukas. Who does he think he is? I had to promise Charlie not to say or do anything for now but I can't stand the thought of seeing him at the party tonight and acting like he isn't a complete jerk. Honestly, what does he think this gets him? As if I would even consider going out with him after this, not that I would have before but now... Luckily, I at least got some sleep. I wouldn't know how to survive the party tonight if I didn't.

"Good morning honey." When mum turns around I can tell I'm looking as bad as I feel. "Rough night?" I just nod and sit down at the counter. When did my life turn out as something I don't feel like sharing with my mum? Just a little over a week ago I told her everything and now? Charlie comes walking into the kitchen only shortly after. Other than me he looks like he had a wonderful night. When he looks at me the same expression that my mum had moments ago flashes over his face. Without commenting on it he sits down next to me. "I'm gonna go see if your dad finally decided to wake up." Just like that my mum is gone. That's weird. She didn't even ask if we wanted coffee or help with breakfast. Not that I'm complaining, I would actually like it if she'd consider it normal that she doesn't need to help me with that.

"So Mia, what you got planned today?" I love that Charlie doesn't comment on my current state. He knows damn well why I didn't sleep well but I'm glad we're not picking up that topic again for now. Shrugging I say "I might go practice after breakfast and then take a nap after lunch. You?" 10 minutes ago when I left my room that hadn't been what I thought of doing today but now it just feels right. "I'm meeting up with the boys. I'll pick you up at 6pm by the way." At that I raise an eyebrow at him. "Party doesn't start until 9pm and what are you picking me up with?" Just like that his gorgeous smirk appears. "Wait and see." Softly nudging his arm I say "You really like to make me suffer, huh?" Now he's the one shrugging. "I like to surprise you." I don't even know why but for some reason my tummy starts tingling.


"Sarah! It's 5:30 and I still look like a mess!" I shout into my phone. For the past 30 minutes I've been trying to curl my hair and work on my make-up but all I've achieved so far is a breakdown. My life was so much easier when I didn't worry about things like this. The last party I went to I wore my hair in a ponytail, paired with a black shirt, ripped jeans, black Vans and only the smallest sliver of make-up. I really should have stuck with that for today too. "Mia, breathe. Show me what we got." I hang up on her to call her back via FaceTime. Propping up my phone I take a few steps back so she can see me down until my waist. "Mia you look amazing!" Is she seeing someone different than me? "My hair is a mess, my eyes look weird. Sarah, are you blind?" I move closer to the phone to show her my eyes. "Sit down." I sit down in front of my phone.

"Alright, grab that cute gold shimmery eyeshadow and put it on top." I love how Sarah knows my inventory as if it's hers. "Now pin back just a few strand of your hair." I do as she says and then lean a little backwards so she can see the whole picture. "See, you look perfect." I really wish I was as convinced as her. Getting up I walk over to my mirror and look at myself. The black skinny jeans combined with my black Vans and the bordeaux top we bought look kind of good. My hair does indeed look better now that it's pinned back a little. Walking back over to my phone I can see Sarah is waiting. "Ok, I don't look that bad." Sarah knows that's the best she'll get from me right now. "Now have fun. I'll see you at the party." - "Thanks Sarah." I don't think she ever encountered me being that nervous about a date. The ones I've been on before I was always pretty chilled. I knew the guys I went out with and I knew it was going to be nice. Today I have no idea what is going to happen. Part of me loves that but another part of me is a little anxious about it.

"Mia, time to go!" Is mum in on this? I don't think I've mentioned to her that Charlie is picking me up at 6pm. She knows that we're going to the party tonight and that it starts at 9pm but I thinks that's all. I grab my purse and drop my phone into it before I step out of my room. Mum's waiting in the kitchen. "Honey look at you!" Her gaze is so soft, for a moment I'm worried she'll cry. Last I've seen her that emotional was when she saw me in my competition outfit. "Well, you guys have a great night." Just like that she's out the kitchen. I start walking towards the door, feeling my legs getting shakier with every step I take. When I step outside Charlie is waiting in front of my dad's car. They're both in on this. That's why mum left so quickly this morning! I can't help but smile at Charlie making secret plans with my parents. Once I'm only a few feet away he says "Ready for our perfect date?"

As Cold As Ice // Charlie GillespieWhere stories live. Discover now