Chapter 25

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Sarah, Charlie and I have been dancing for almost an hour by now. Time just seems to fly by. Even though Sarah didn't really spend any time with Charlie before today they both get along quite well. Maybe it's caused by the alcohol, at least on Sarah's end. Charlie isn't drinking because he has to drive us home later. I must admit, I feel a little bad about that but he says he doesn't mind. Not that Sarah and I are completely drunk or anything, we're just a little tipsy. "I'll be right back" Charlie yells into my ear so I can hear him over the music. I reach for his arm pouting. "Don't leave me" I say whiny but he can see the smile in my eyes giving away that I'm just joking. Charlie takes a step closer to me, wrapping his free arm around my waist, and leans down to kiss me. I wasn't expecting that so it made my heart skip a beat.

I wish I could keep kissing him, it just feels so good but unfortunately he pulls away from me after what feels way to short for me. "Sorry but I really need to go to the bathroom." His voice sounds as sad about this as I feel which I can't help but giggle at. I really am a little tipsy. "I'll be back in a second" he says placing one last kiss on my cheek before he starts walking away from us. When I turn around to Sarah she's looking at me softly. "You guys are so cute." If you don't know her you probably couldn't tell the tipsiness of her voice but I can hear the slight presence of it. I smile at her still a little lost in the memory of this kiss. I don't know what this guy is doing to me. I've never felt that way about anyone.

Sarah and I kept dancing for three more songs but now I'm starting to wonder what takes Charlie so long. Sarah seems to sense my worry because she says "Let's have a look." In that moment I love how she knows what I'm thinking without me having to say it out loud. Together we keep walking towards the bathrooms. Shortly before there is a small room to the side, usually used as a resting spot if you need a break from the main area. The door is wide open and something catches my attention. I stop to have a look and when I step into the doorframe and I can't believe what I'm seeing. Sarah didn't realize I stopped walking but now she's appearing next to me. "Mia what's wrong?" When she follows my gaze I can hear her breath in sharply. Before she can say anything I turn around and make a sprint for the door. I need to get out of here.

"Mia wait!" I don't want to stop. I need to get out of here or I won't be able to breathe anymore. As soon as I'm out the door I take a deep breathe. I feel like I've been holding my breathe for hours. My chest feels so tight it's hard to breathe in properly. "Mia" I can hear Sarah say carefully from behind me. "Just leave me alone Sarah!" I know she isn't the one I'm mad at or disappointed in and she shouldn't be the one I'm pushing away right now but I just can't bare to face her. I keep walking to get more distance between me and what I've just seen. I know Sarah is following me but I still can't turn around and talk to her.

While walking I fumble for my phone. It's hard to find my mums name with the tears streaming down my face, clouding my vision. She picks up immediately even though it's past midnight and she should be asleep. "Mia?" It takes me a second to find my voice. "Can you come pick me up?" I try my best to hide the fact that I'm crying but my mum knows me better than to not realize. "Honey, what's wrong?" I can't talk about this right now. "Just pick me up. Please?" My voice sounds more pleading than ever before. "I'm on my way. Is someone with you?" - "Sarah." I know mums nodding. "Stay with her until I'm there." She doesn't wait for my response because she knows every word is hard for me.

Once I stored my phone back in my pocket I slowly turn around to Sarah. Without having to say anything she wraps me in her arms. The tears that were streaming down my face multiple to a whole river and it takes all my strength to not sob in her arms. She doesn't say anything, she just hugs me tightly. "Mia?" My whole body tenses at the sound of his voice. I don't want to see him right now. I don't want to see him ever again. Sarah lets go of me to turn around and shield me from him. "I'm so glad I found you. I was so worried when I got back and you were nowhere to be seen." Charlie isn't close enough yet to see my current state in the darkness but I can see his body shift when he realizes Sarah is shielding me from him.

Once he's close enough to look at me his gaze changes immediately. I'm not sure because of the darkness but I feel like he's turning pale as chalk. "Mia I can explain." His voice sounds weak and it feels like something inside of him broke the second he looked at me. "Leave her alone Charlie." Sarah's voice is strong and filled with disgust. "Please let me explain." The sound of Charlie's voice and the look on his face make me want to listen but I can't. There's no explaining what I saw. He kissed Kaylie. He kissed her only minutes after he kissed me.

As Cold As Ice // Charlie Gillespieحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن