Chapter 16

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"Omg how are you so good at this?" Honestly, I'm impressed. The math problem I've been struggling with for over 30 minutes took Charlie a solid five minutes to solve, even though he didn't have the same homework because his next algebra class isn't until Monday. "I'm just generally quite good at what I do." Catching my breath I say "Do I need to remind you about this morning?" Charlie grabs the nearest pillow so quickly and throws it at me I have no time to react. It lands full on in my face. Grabbing it I throw it back at him.

Before he has a chance to defend himself I reach for the next pillow and attack him once again. When I reach for a third pillow he lets himself fall backwards, his hands lift into the air. "I surrender" he says laughing. I put the pillow back where I got it from, a victorious smile on my lips. Suddenly I get quite conscious about the current situation. Me and him alone in my room, Charlie lying on my bed.

I can't stop my tummy from tingling and a sudden feeling of nervousness building in my chest. Charlie shoots me a quick look, checking if it's safe to return into a sitting position. He practically stares into my eyes for a moment and I feel like I might stop breathing soon. I'm not sure if it's just me or if he's feeling the tension too. I guess he didn't because after only seconds he says "So... biology?" with that cute little smirk I've already grown to adore.

"Mia, your pizza is here!" Mum doesn't come into my room and I would like to keep it at that. I know she probably wouldn't mind Charlie being in here but that's only because she has no clue how I'm starting to feel towards him. I've rarely had boys over, simply because nothing was ever serious enough that I bothered introducing him. Not that there is anything serious between Charlie and I but I can't deny that I wouldn't mind if there was.

"Be there in a sec" I shout back. I can hear her footsteps growing more distant and once we're both sure she's gone Charlie says "Finally! All this schoolwork is making me hungry." I raise my eyebrows at him. "Really? I thought I mainly did your biology homework the past 20 minutes." I flashes me a bright smile as he says "Well following what you were saying was work too." I give him that.

It felt like he was hanging on every word I said which made it really hard for me to focus. Even though his homework was rather similar to mine it took me longer than when I did mine for the first time simply because I was so distracted by how close he is and the fact that he is sitting on my bed. "Come on, let's grab the pizza before it's cold."

With our pizza we sit down in the movie room. I hand Charlie the remote without saying anything. He zapps through a few movies before he settles on Transformers. Shooting me an unsure look he says "What about that?" I nod excitedly. "Dad and I used to watch this all the time." I must admit it's one of the few action loaded movies I enjoy watching. I'm usually more of the something with romance and drama type but I guess since I connect it with happy memories of me and dad when I was younger I could watch this any time.

Once he pressed play Charlie turns his attention to his pizza. Opening up the box he seems genuinely confused. "How'd you know what to get me?" I ordered the pizza before I started doing my homework and I forgot to ask Charlie beforehand what he wanted but "I remembered what you had in New York." Him and a few other guys went to grab some slices of pizza before we took the train back and I remember seeing him eat a Hawaii which I though is super gross so I guess that's why it stuck with me. Or because I already paid close attention because deep down I knew I liked him even though my brain was refusing it at that time.

I open up my own box of pepperoni pizza and take out a slice. I try to rarely eat stuff like pizza because for one it's not the best choice when doing sports professionally, at least if you eat it a lot, and second because I like if it stays something special. I take a bite and that's when I'm happy I kept it as something special. I feel like it tastes a thousand times better than it would when I eat it regularly. Next to me I hear Charlie mumble a happy "mmmhhm" while he's taking a bite of his.

"You really have weird eating habits" I say with a smirk on my lips. He raises an eyebrow at me but takes another bite from his pizza anyways because I guess by now he knows me well enough to know I'll elaborate. "Drowning your pancakes? Now pineapple on a pizza? What's next? Chocolate on chicken?" His laugh comes so suddenly I'm once again worried he might choke. Didn't we have that situation this morning already? I really need to be more careful about making him laugh while he's eating.

"And you call me drama queen. Have you ever tried it?" I shake my head fiercely. "I would never torture my chicken like that! I know he's referring to the pizza but I just really like teasing him. He takes a slice of pizza and holds it out me, ignoring my comment. "Here, you can't judge something you never tried." Reluctantly I grab the pizza and lift it to my lips in slow motion. Hesitantly I take a bit. "Alright, it's not THAT bad. I wouldn't order a whole pizza of it though." A victorious smile builds on Charlie's lips as he takes another bite.

As Cold As Ice // Charlie GillespieWhere stories live. Discover now