Chapter 18

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I feel like it took an eternity for lunch break to come around. "Mia why are you so restless today?" Sarah and I decided to walk to the close by coffee shop because we have a free period after lunch. Well, school is basically done for us today because our teacher is sick but since I have practice after Sarah is staying with me until then. "Restless?" I take my Cookies and Cream Macchiato and sit down at a table outside. It's too lovely out to sit inside. "Ehm... I was close to taking your pen away in history." I shoot her a clueless look. I seriously don't know what she's talking about. "You kept tapping it to the table over and over again." I truly didn't realize I did.

Sighing heavy I say "Sarah, I think I have a problem." Now she's the one shooting me a clueless look. "Is it about Charlie?" I helplessly nod my head. "Mia, look. If it's about what we talked about yesterday I truly think there could be a way." I fiercely shake my head. "There's no point." I can tell she isn't agreeing with me on this one but she also knows that there's no point trying to convince me right now. "So what do you wanna tell me?" I start by telling her about what happened in the hallway last night after we watched the movie. How teasing turned into a hell lot of tension within seconds. After what Charlie asked me this morning I'm almost certain I did not imagine the tension between us and he was definitely not playing around anymore. Sarah is listening to my story almost spellbound.

I know she enjoys that I can finally tell her good stories. Back in the days when I was dating she was always curious about the stories. Sarah is a real sucker for romance. "Did he tell you what he wants yet?" she asks, her voice full of curiosity. "Yeah..." - "Mia tell me!" I can't help but laugh a little at how impatient she is sometimes. "He wants me to be his date on Saturday." At that Sarah's eyes widen. "Omg Mia!" I wanna tell her it's not a big deal but I would be lying. I know it's not much different from any other time I've spent time with Charlie but somehow it is. So far we've only spent time at home. It's like it was our own little bubble. But now we're going to be with people. Yes, a few of the others saw us leave together in Central Park but that's so different from showing up to the party together. But then again, we would show up together anyways because we live together. So I guess it really isn't that big of a deal after all and I just blew it way out of proportion.

"Sarah I'm nervous. Why am I nervous? I've spent so much time with him in the past days." I know my voice sounds whiny. Sarah softly reaches for my arm. Patting it she says "Because you like him and he asked you out on a date." I guess it's really starting to show that it's been a while since I last dated because I can't remember feeling that way like ever. Either I've simply forgotten the feeling by now or it's actually never been that way. "It'll be great" Sarah adds when I don't respond. "And if it's not I'll be there to save you." She says that really playfully and I know she's trying to cheer me up and take my mind of things. It's working and I can feel a small smile stealing itself onto my lips.

For a while we sip on our coffees in silence but then, out of nowhere, Sarah looks up at me, shock in her eyes. "What is it?" I asked worried. "Mia! We need outfits!" Before I know it I burst into laughter. She can be so dramatic some times! I shake my head at her, the brightest smile on my lips. I take a look at my phone to check the time. "I still have more than 2 hours until practice, so?" Without responding she jumps up. "What are you waiting for?" Still laughing I grab my coffee and get up.

I don't think we've ever walked to my car as quickly as we're doing right now. It only takes us five minutes to reach it. Usually we need about 10. Sarah is sitting in the passengers seat before I even opened my door. I think if it were up to her she'd make me break every speed limit there is. "Omg finally!" she exclaims as I pull into the parking lot of our favorite small mall near school. I'm really glad it's that close because we still have 1.5 hour to find an outfit before we need to head back so I don't miss practice.

Before I have a chance to even think Sarah pulls me towards Forever 21. I love dresses but on the drive to the mall we decided that this time we'll go more basic and grab a cute shirt that I can combine with black skinny jeans. I'm also not in the mood to spend a fortune on something for tomorrow because I have plenty of clothes but tomorrow feels special so I want to wear something I've never worn before. We stroll through the aisles for a little but then something catches my eye. I walk closer to the bordeaux colored shirt.

It's even prettier from up close! It has a beautiful v-neck and it's mostly backless, just a few strings holding it together. Sarah appears next to me almost out of nowhere. "Omg yes. 100% yes!" A smile on my lips I reach for the shirt to take it to the changing room. I take one last look at myself in the mirror before I step out to show Sarah. "Hell yes girl!" she says the second I step out.

As Cold As Ice // Charlie GillespieWhere stories live. Discover now