Chapter 50

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"HE WHAT?" I look around the restaurant but luckily there's hardly anyone here. "Keep your voice down," I say half serious, half laughing. "Mia, that's..." - "Crazy, I know." I'm well aware how crazy this must sound. We're basically moving in together but somehow we're not. Charlie is moving into the guest room of our house, just like he did for the exchange. Sure, we all know we'll spend little time apart, especially at night but still. I don't know. Suddenly, a feeling of doubt overcomes me. What if this is a terrible idea? We're both so young and we hardly know each other. But Charlie was the only one who could help me get out of that dark place I was in and I have a feeling I can be the one to help him openly live out his passion.

*** Two and a half weeks later ***

"Mia, are you ready to go?" I nod excitedly as I hop in the back of dad's car. The drive to the bus station never felt as long as it does right now. Charlie texted me during his bus ride here and the closer he got the more excited I became. "Finally," I say jumping out of the car as soon as dad pulls into the bus's parking lot. Only seconds later I can see Charlie's bus approach. I don't think I've ever been this nervous - omg can that bus finally stop and let him out please? As if the driver heard my prayers, he stops and opens the doors. Charlie jumps out only moments later. I sprint up to him and jump into his arms. He swirls me around before place me back on the ground and kissing me. "I've been waiting for this for way too long," he says when we pull apart. Wrapping an arm around my should he says "Hey Amanda, hey Justin." - "Charlie, we're so happy you're here." They both smile at him widely before dad walks over and grabs the last huge bag in the trunk of the bus.

Dad and Charlie chat for the whole ride home and I can't help but watch Charlie with a bright smile on my lips. The whole time he keeps drawing circles in the back of my hand. "I have to tell you something," I say once we're all inside the house. I gesture for the couch. Mum and dad walk over and sit down. Charlie follows me to the opposite side. "Mum, dad, something happened while I was in Canada." I take a look at Charlie, my smile not moving an inch. When I turn back to my parents I say "I'm doing the competition next week." For a moment mum and dad don't move. Then they look at each other. I can see confusion in their faces. "Mia, that's nothing to joke about." - "Mia?" Charlie whispers next to me. I turn to him, smiling at him shyly. "I wanted to tell all of you together."

I went to Coach Lewis the morning after I can back. I told her about the progress I had made in Canada and that I wanted to get back onto the ice. I told her I want to see how it goes, no pressure. She agreed, and she also agreed to not tell anyone yet. We practiced after hours when no on but us was around. It was amazing how well my body remembered every movement. It was challenging at first because, even though I had the technique still, I lacked the energy. I'm far from being as good as I could have been without my accident but I'm at a point where I can take part in the competition and at least stand a chance to be among the first few - Coach Lewis told me just two days ago. We had a long talk about whether or not I think I can handle the pressure. Knowing Charlie will be there was the final point that made me decide I can do it.

"Mia, I can't believe you kept this from us!" I can see disappointment flash across mum's face. "I'm sorry but I had to. I needed to figure out what I can and can't do myself before telling you. Mum, I love you, but there are things I need to figure out on my own sometimes." Mum stays quiet for a bit, thinking about it. Finally, she says "Oh Mia, I guess you've grown out of being my little girl." Dad doesn't say anything. I can tell he's happy and proud but also a bit upset about me not telling them. I know they'll understand and get over it though. This wasn't a lie, it was me needing time before being able to tell them. "Mia, can I talk to you?" I turn to look at Charlie. There's so much concern in his eyes. I nod before getting up from the couch and pulling him along towards my room.

"Are you sure about this? Isn't this too quickly?" I shake my head weakly. "I can do this, Charlie. You were able to move to a different country - I think I'm able to skate a competition, huh?" - "You know those are two entirely different things, right?" I nod before I say "Yeah, but they have something in common. You are doing this because we love each other. I know I can do the competition, because I know you'll be there with me. Together, we can do anything." A soft expression builds on Charlie's face as he stares at me for a couple of moments. I don't think anyone ever looked at me that way. He looks at me like I'm the most precious thing in his life. "You're amazing, Mia Carter." I smile at him while tracing my finger along his arm. "I love you, Charlie." - "I love you, Mia."

The End

Hey guys!
First of all, thank you for reading this story! You have no idea how much it means to me to see that people care to read what I wrote.
I know this story ended rather briefly but with everything going on I'm unable to write new chapters lately. I didn't want to leave you hanging in the middle of the story for any longer so I thought I'd rather give you a shorter but complete story than a long but open one. If things cool down a bit I might get back to this story and extend the last chapters but for now I hope you're ok with it the way it is.
Thank you for the support and comments!
All the best and until the next story,
Nic x

As Cold As Ice // Charlie GillespieWhere stories live. Discover now