Chapter 13

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"Morning Mum" I chirp as I enter the kitchen. Mum turns around, raising an eyebrow at me. "You're in an awfully good mood considering it's 5am." I shrug, smiling to myself. She's right, I am in a very good mood. "Good Morning." Someone grumbles behind us. "Now that's the attitude I expect to see at 5am" Mum says with a smile on her face. I turn around to Charlie who comes slurping into the kitchen. Once he's only an arms reach away I playfully ruffle his hair. "You look like you've been hit by a truck." Charlie shoots me an angry look but cracks into a smile only seconds later. Pushing my arm away playfully he says "That's because I feel like I have."

I nudge him softly before I gesture for the counter. "Sit down, I'll grab you some coffee." He makes his way over to the counter in snail's speed. It really takes all my energy not to laugh. I have no idea why I'm so wide awake. Usually I have my troubles too when getting up an hour early but today... Charlie and I didn't talk about him understanding how I feel and act on the ice anymore because my mum was sitting outside in the garden when we pulled into the driveway so there was no chance to stay in the car for longer and I didn't wanna bring it up again in front of my parents.

"Mia please tell me your secret." I grab the cup I was just reaching for before I turn around to Charlie, my head tilted. "Why are you so awake and cheerful?" I shrug once again, just like I did when mum asked only minutes ago. I place the mug in front of Charlie and fill it up with coffee. Once he's all set I start making myself a smoothie. I can't be asked to eat non-mashed food right now. It's definitely too early for that. I throw some oat milk, oats, a banana and frozen berries into the mixer. "What do you want?" I'm surprised mum has taken her coffee to the living room. I guess my little grumpy performance yesterday morning did make her realize she's treating me like a baby sometimes. "Whatever you have. If I wanna know your secret I better start with food." I turn around to Charlie, raising an eyebrow. "Seriously?" Shrugging casually he says "Food is the way to the heart, isn't it?" I shake my head, smiling, as I turn around to make him a smoothie too.

"Here you go." I place his smoothie in front of him, sitting down next to him with mine. I watch him carefully as he takes a sip. The cup still at his mouth he looks over at me. I can feel myself blush from being caught watching him. Painfully slowly he puts his cup down. "So?" I can tell he's doing this to torture me. "Very girly" he says after a while. "Girly? What's that supposed to mean?" Softly poking my nose he says "Tastes good but tastes girly." I can't even respond to that so I just roll my eyes. After a moment I remember what we talked about a while ago so I add "Well... maybe it'll help you with your elegance." Since I hadn't said anything for a little while Charlie had already returned to drinking his smoothie. He is so surprised by my comment for a moment I think he might choke. I can tell he's trying to cover up the coughing with laughing.


"Am I the only one who thinks this is weird?" I turn away from my locker to look at Charlie, waiting for him to explain further. "It's 6:30am and we're the only people in this school. Apart from the poor guy that apparently has to open up this place at 6am for the crazy skaters." I did not miss that by crazy skaters he meant me. "I guess I'm used to it by now. It's nice though. Got your peace." - "Mhm..." Charlie mumbles. "I guess you're right." I grab my skates and close up my locker. Passing by I whispers "I always am." I walk out of the locker room and towards the rink, not looking if Charlie is following me because I know he is. I sit down at the little bench in front of the rink to change into my skates. Placing my shoes underneath it I get up and step on the ice. Immediately I can feel the calm rushing through me.

"Alright, so Mrs. Always Right..." I look over my shoulder, rolling my eyes at his comment. "... now how are you gonna teach me elegance." That is indeed a very good question. I'm really not a good teacher. I once tried teaching basic skating to kids and I miserably failed. That's another downside of knowing what to do by instinct, it's hard to teach it to people who don't. Suddenly I have an idea. "Mia, what are you thinking? I can tell it's bad." I can't help but laugh at that. Admittedly, my idea might turn out really funny but how does he know? "It's gonna be fine, come on!" I turn around so I can skate backwards, paying close attention to Charlie. "Ok, show me what you got. I need to know what I'm working with."

Not that I didn't carefully watch him at his practice but I don't mind doing it again. Also, this is different. At practice he had to score, now he has to just skate. I start skating backwards and gesture for him to follow me. "You know you're really putting me on the spot here." I shrug, a small smile forming on my lips. "It's just me." I can't quite understand Charlie's response because he said it so quietly, more to himself than me but I could have sworn it was Yeah, that's the problem but that can't possible be what he said.

As Cold As Ice // Charlie GillespieWhere stories live. Discover now