Chapter 20

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With the touch of Charlie's hand against my cheek I feel like I can forget everything around me. Even though I'm not at all convinced that it isn't that bad I don't feel bad anymore. I feel completely calm and just happy. Charlie is smiling at me and for a moment I smile back but then I remember something. I lift my head only slightly but it's enough for him to pull back his hand. Even though I wish he didn't I know it's for the best. "Did Lukas say anything to you?" Charlie lets himself fall backwards into his seat a little. For a moment he seems to think about it, carefully considering what to say. Then he shakes his head almost unnoticeably before he looks back at me. "No he didn't... but if looks could kill."

A heavy sigh leaves my lips before I can do anything against it. "Don't worry, I ignored him." I don't know why but the way he says that makes me shake my head and crack a small smile. How is he so casual about this? I don't even know where all this is coming from. It feels like Lukas just decided he likes me and has some sort of claim on me the moment Charlie stepped into my life. I mean I would have noticed something before wouldn't I? Suddenly Charlie jumps up, ripping me out of my thoughts. Holding out his hand he says "Come on ice princess, let's go home." I try my best to casually take his hand and not show him what's happing inside me right now. Him calling me princess, referring to my home as his and taking my hand as if it's completely normal? I always thought feeling butterflies in your tummy is just a cheesy thing they say in movies and books but right now I know exactly what they mean.

When we got home mum said she'd handle dinner tonight and insisted on not wanting any help so Charlie and I were headed towards our rooms. Right before I stepped into mine he suddenly called after me "Hey Mia, you wanna do homework together again?" so now we're sitting on his bed, our books and notebooks spread in front of us. It really sucks that we aren't in the same classes mainly. It would be much more efficient if we had the same homework. Now, instead of just splitting the work we're taking turns in solving ones homework. Right now we're stuck with Charlie's history homework. It's actually really interesting. They're learning about the French Revolution right now and Charlie finds it funny to respond to me in French every now and then. "Mia, quel est ton rendez-vous parfait?"

Of course I have no idea what he said again and he knows damn well it's frustrating to me. Something about this question feels different though. I feel like I should understand it because parts of it sound familiar to me and he said it in a slightly different tone than the stuff before. "What does that mean?" He shakes his head, the same satisfied grin he had on his face the times before. I throw my pens in the air, letting out a frustrated groan. One of my pens lands straight in Charlie's face. "Hey! Don't attack me all the time." Casually shrugging I say "You deserve it" before I burst into laughter. I can see him pick up the pen but after consideration he seems to drop the idea of attacking me back. Maybe he remembers who won last time.

I still don't know why but for some reason I feel like his question was important so I repeat "What did it mean?" First I think he wants to shake his head again but then I can see something cross his face just for a second. Leaning closer he whispers into my ear "I'll tell you if you tell me why you feel like Alice sometimes." He's so close, his breath is tingling my neck and I can't think straight so it takes me a little to realize what he just said. "You remember that?" My voice is barely a whisper. This guy is driving me crazy! He seems almost staggered when he says "Of course I do." That afternoon in New York feels like it's been ages ago when in reality it was only three days. Should I tell him? I haven't told anyone, not even Sarah, about this.

"Fine." I don't think Charlie expected this because he seems genuinely surprised. "My parents took me skating for the first time when I was three. They said everyone was amazed by how quickly I picked up on how to do it. When I was five I was already at the level of an eight year old. Later in school I was always the weird outcast. No one understood why I wouldn't go to the park with them after school. In the beginning they kept asking but eventually it stopped. I went as far as them excluding me. Not wanting me to sit with them, joking when I entered a room. Eventually I thought something is wrong with me. I mean, I know that my relationship to the ice isn't normal but it felt like it was something bad. Like I'm broken... or mad... like Alice."

Charlie didn't take his eyes off me for a second while I told him this. Neither did I take my eyes off his. "Mia..." Just like he did earlier he brushes my cheek softly. "You're far from broken or mad. You're incredible. The talent you have is surreal." I smile at him shyly. "Most of the time I understand that now but there are still days..." Softly shaking my head against his hand I try to shake the memory off. "Whatever, your turn." Charlie pulls back his hand once again and again I wish he didn't. He seems almost shy as he says "What's your perfect date?"

As Cold As Ice // Charlie GillespieWhere stories live. Discover now