Chapter 7

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The further away we get from that awkward conversation the better I feel. I know my reaction was silly but I just couldn't help it. Lukas was just trying to be nice and to make conversation but still. "So, why is that statue your favorite place?" I look up at Charlie, who looks genuinely interested. We're only halfway there yet. It's not far from where we were hanging out, only about 10 minutes.

I shrug. "I'm not sure to be honest. I was strolling through Central Park by myself one day and I found it. Just sat there for a little, reading a book and it just felt right. I guess sometimes I feel a bit like Alice." I abruptly stop walking. Why did I just say that? I never told anyone that. How is he making me tell him anything? Charlie stops a few steps later. As he turns around to me he looks confused. "You coming?" I try to shake off the weird feeling and continue walking.

"Why do you feel like Alice?" I had hoped he would just ignore my comment but of course he doesn't. I try my best to casually brush it off. "Don't we all feel like we're loosing our mind sometimes?" I laugh a little to support my joke and hide the fact that I feel a little uncomfortable about having shared one of my secrets. "Nice try. Maybe one day you'll tell me the real reason."

Charlie is smiling at me and something in his voice makes me want to tell him right now but I know he'd think I'm actually insane. "There it is" I say pointing to the statue which is now only a few feet away from us. I'm more than thankful to get out of this conversation. How did I manage to maneuver myself from one uncomfortable conversation into the next?

Charlie walks up to the statue, looking at it from up close. I stay a little behind, watching him. I know this statue by heart, every little part of it. It feels weird to show it to someone. It's been my secret for so long now. Not that it's really that big of a secret since it's quite big and in the middle of Central Park but since I always just came here alone it still felt like my secret. When Charlie turns around to me I can feel anticipation building in my chest.

Suddenly I get very conscious about every detail of this place. What if he doesn't like it? It's so special to me I'm not sure how I would feel if he said it's shitty. "Mia Carter, you truly are peculiar" he says as he comes strolling back to me. I raise my eyebrow and the cutest laugh leaves Charlie's lips. Why did that just make my heart skip a beat?

As if it's the most normal thing in the world Charlie reaches for my hand and pulls me along towards a quiet corner before he sits down on the grass. I place myself across from him still waiting for a further explanation. "Only you would name this as your favorite place in the whole city." Should I feel offended? I guess something in my face must have told him that that's actually what I'm feeling.

"That's not how I meant it" he says laughing. "It's really cool but it's the complete opposite of what I'd expect when I think about New York. Everything seems so busy, always in a rush, a constant need to be bigger, better, you know?" I just nod my head not wanting to interrupt him. "This is so calm and peaceful." I never thought about it that way but what he's saying makes sense. I wonder what Sarah would have named as her favorite place. Probably Times Square. It's always our final stop when we're here. We grab a coffee and sit on the stairs watching the changing adds and busy streets. It would certainly be the more accurate picture of New York.

We sit in the grass for a little longer just taking in the calm until my phone starts to buzz. I fumble for it to see a text from Sarah. "Time to go, huh?" I look up from my phone and into Charlie's eyes. Reluctantly I nod. I shoot Sarah a quick text telling her we're on our way back before we get up to leave. We don't come far before Charlie stops walking. "Mia?" I turn around and tilt my head. "I guess I owe you an answer."

If it were possible I would tilt my head even further. "You showed me your secret spot so..." Hold on, how does he know this spot is my secret? I don't remember saying anything. He must have, once again, read my expression very well. "Oh come on, I saw Sarah's reaction when you mentioned it." He noticed that? "Alright, go on." Now I really wanna know what answer he owes me that compares to me showing him my secret spot.

"You asked me if I'm feeling as passionate about something... like you feel about skating." I was certainly not expecting to get an answer to that question. I must say I forgot I even asked. I just thought it was a done deal after he didn't answer this morning. "So do you?" I know my voice sounds more hopeful than I intended but it would just be nice to know he knows the feeling. He nods slightly so I wait patiently for him to tell me what it is.

After what feels like forever he says "Music." Just that one word. Looking at him I feel like he just told me he murdered someone. "What's wrong?" Charlie shakes his head slightly. "Nothing. I just never told anyone." My eyes widen in disbelief. How can this be what he's truly passionate about yet he never told anyone? "Why?" He swallows hard before he says "It's complicated."

As Cold As Ice // Charlie GillespieWhere stories live. Discover now