Chapter 21

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"What?" It's not like I didn't understand what he said but... I must have not understood what he said. Smiling at me he repeats "Mia, what's your perfect date?" How can he say that so smoothly while my heart is racing and I have to focus on how to properly breathe? After I don't say anything for a while he says "So?" He looks at me like an innocent little boy, not like he just completely put me on the spot and caught me off guard. How does he want me to answer that? Looking down at my hands I shrug. "I don't know." It's the truth. Non of the dates I've been on where that special so I wouldn't consider them perfect. Where is that question even coming from? "Really? I don't believe that." Something in the tone of his voice makes me look back up at him. He seems genuinely confused.

"What's yours then?" He takes his sweet time responding, casually dropping himself on the mattress, his hands crossed behind his head. I can't help but notice the muscles in his arms. For a moment I'm so distracted I forget he owes me an answer. Just like he did before I say "So?", which earns me a smirk. "You want the perfect-fancy-date or perfect-crazy-date answer?" - "You have multiple?" This guy really is different! He doesn't say anything. I guess he's waiting for me to choose which one I want to hear. "I wanna know both. But start with crazy." The crazy attractive smirk returns to his lips and once again I slightly loose my focus on the conversation. "Well, I'd love to take her hiking. Properly of course, overnight." My eyes widen a little.

"On the first date?" - "I don't know when we specified to first date but yeah, I said it's crazy." He's right, it is crazy but it's also kinda romantic. I mean, watching the stars? Ok no, my parents would think I'm insane if I'd say I'll be spending the night out in god knows where with a complete stranger. Smiling I shake my head at the picture of my mum that's currently forming in my head. "Ok, what's fancy then?" He did start out big so that one better be equally cool. "You know this is unfair, right? I have to tell you two and you don't even have one." I gently nudge my leg against his. "Looks like you're the romantic out of the two of us." I can hear him catch his breath but I don't look at him. I can imagine the way he's looking at me right now and I'd burst into laughter right away if I looked at him.

When he stays silent for a few moments I do look at him and it takes all my strength not to laugh. "Don't look at me like this! Come on, tell me!" Shaking his head he says "Yes Ma'am." I swear, if his arms weren't crossed behind he head he would have saluted. After another couple of moments he says "You know what, no. I won't tell you. I'll show you tomorrow." What? Out of nowhere my heart is speeding up again. He wants to show me his perfect-fancy-date tomorrow? Our date will be his definition of perfect? I'm sure some of the emotions going on inside of me are showing because Charlie is watching me carefully, a pleased look on his face.

"Mia! Charlie! Dinner is ready!" I don't know if I'm happy or sad that mum is intervening. Charlie slowly peels himself off the bed. He's the first to walk out of the room but I follow close behind. I'm glad he's in front of me so I have a bit of time to gather myself before I have to step into the kitchen. "Amanda, that smells amazing" he says as he walks in. By now he seems really comfortable about being around my parents and calling them by their first names. "Thanks Charlie." We sit down at the dinner table across from each other. Dad is sitting next to Charlie and mum is about to sit down next to me.

"So how was practice today Mia?" At the mention of that the uneasy feeling I had earlier returns. Before I can say anything Charlie says "Mia absolutely slayed it!" Both my parents throw him a surprised look. "I had to wait for her after practice so I stuck around and watched. She did her Fight Song program. It was unreal." I can tell mum is pleased to hear this. She loved the program as much as I did, probably even more. Dad turns to Charlie and asks "How was your practice?" - "Great, there was a little misunderstanding about who fouled but apart from that." I can't help but right away think the misunderstanding was between him and Lukas. For my parents it seems to be done with this short explanation but I want to know more. I look at Charlie who immediately looks at me too. "Lukas?" I mouth. He just nods so briefly it is hardly noticeable.

Charlie and I are on clean-up duty. My parents are in the living room watching TV. "What happened?" I ask once I'm sure they can't hear. "Nothing." Of course he knows what I'm talking about immediately. "Charlie..." Sighing he says "He fouled me and then pretended it was my fault. It really isn't that big of a deal." I take a step closer to him. "Not a big deal? Charlie, he can't just act like that!" I dread to think what he'll do next now that I'm going to the party with Charlie. "I have to talk to him." Reaching for my hand he says "You don't. It's fine." The feeling of his hand in mine is taking a bit of the anger away but I'm still mad. "It's not fine." Squeezing my hand a little he says "We'll work it out somehow."

As Cold As Ice // Charlie GillespieWhere stories live. Discover now