Chapter 15

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"Mia what's wrong?" I knew it was only a matter of time until Sarah would notice my unease. Sometimes I really wish people wouldn't be able to read me so easily. I tear my eyes off Charlie and Lukas, who had been doing nothing but practicing normally for the last 30 minutes and look at Sarah. I feel like the second I look away something may happen or Lukas might say something again. Part of me knows its silly but that doesn't stop me from worrying. I don't know what to tell Sarah because I can't tell her the truth so I go with the next closest thing. "I wish I didn't like him like that." She tilts her head slightly.

"Why?" I shrug a little before I say the words I know sound pathetic but are sadly true. "Because he doesn't like me like that." Now Sarah's eyes widen and a smile forms on her lips. "Mia, he'd be stupid if he didn't." I shake my head. "He'd be stupid if he did. I'm stupid." It feels good to talk to her about this. I know I sound like a silly teenager but somehow that's how I'm feeling right now. "Why would you say that?" I think about it for a moment. I said it because it's the truth. "He'll be gone soon."

There is no point in this. He'll leave so soon and sure, I'll be seeing him again in two months, even staying with him but there's still no point to this because afterwards it'll be over. Sarah pats my arm gently. "It could still work out." I shake my head once again. Even if he did like me, which I'm still sure he doesn't, it wouldn't be fair on either of us. He lives hours away and yes, we're both able to drive but my parents would never let me drive that far and I doubt his would. "It's pointless." I shoot one last longing glance over to Charlie before I get up from my seat and walk out of the rink.

"Hey you" Charlie says cheerfully as he opens the passenger door of my car. Sarah didn't follow me earlier. She knew I needed some time to myself. I smile at Charle slightly. If he would be paying close attention he'd see that the smile doesn't reach my eyes but he's already storing his backpack in the back seat so he didn't notice. "Why'd you leave early?" he asks as he sits down next to me. "I needed some air." It's the truth. I just needed some time to clear my head and think. The constant unease because of Lukas being around wasn't helping either. "Was it because of Lukas?" I look over at Charlie for the first time and just nod my head. It's only partly a lie but it still makes me feel weird. "He's talking to Sarah. Asked her where you went."

Seriously? Where is this sudden strong interest in me coming from? "I should talk to him." This whole situation is way too much drama. I hate lying to Sarah about this and I don't like that Lukas walks around and tells guys to leave me alone. "I get it but I doubt it'll help much. As you said... dude's a lot." The small smile on Charlie's lips and the way he referred to Lukas as a dude that's a lot makes me crack into laughter. Softly nudging my arm Charlie says "There's that gorgeous smile." I think my tummy just did a summersault and my cheeks feel like they're burning. Trying to play it cool I brightly smile at Charlie before I turn my attention to the steering wheel. "Let's go home."

"Mum, dad, we're back!" I shout as we enter the house. I walk into the living room where I find my parents chilling on the couch. "Hey honey. How was your day?" Charlie steps into the living room right after me. "It was fine. We'll go do our homework and then we'll watch a movie. Is it ok if we order pizza?" Shrugging my mum says "Sure." Shooting her a smile I turn around and walk out of the room. Charlie's and my ways separate when we get to our rooms to do our homework. "See you at... 7?" With a smile on his lips Charlie says "See you at 7." Can he please stop making me feel those weird but amazing feelings with such small things like a smile?

It's a real challenge to focus on my homework today. My thoughts keep drifting off to Charlie and to Lukas and to how messed up this whole situation is. Sarah and I have been texting for the past 20 minutes, trying to make sense of our math homework. She didn't mention Lukas asking about me so I guess she didn't take it like anything important, which I'm very glad about. Since we're both unable to find a solution to our maths problem I decide to switch it with biology. I'll deal with it later or maybe ask someone tomorrow morning. Biology is much more my field of study. It takes me only about 15 minutes to finish the homework.

Only moments after I'm done I hear a knock on my door. "Yeah?" When I turn around to look Charlie takes an unsure step into my room. "Is it dinner time already?" I didn't think it was that late yet. He shakes his head slowly. Taking a closer look at him I see a folder in his hand. "I could use some help with biology." His voice is so quiet, like he's almost embarrassed to ask. I gesture for him to sit down on my bed next to me. Once he's sitting I say "Here's the deal. I'll help you with biology if you help me with math." Even though we're not in the same class I'm sure I can help him easily and I'm sure he's dealing with about he same mathematical issues that we are. "Deal" he says with a bright smile.

As Cold As Ice // Charlie GillespieWhere stories live. Discover now