Chapter 32

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"I'm glad you're home, honey." Mum and dad pull me into a hug. I can tell mum's hug is much lighter than it usually would be. The times I've had accidents before she wouldn't let me go for at least a minute but now her hug is so briefly. I don't think she's ever been this disappointed in me. "Why don't you get some rest. Sarah? Will you take Mia to her room." Sarah nods and takes my bag from Charlie, following me to my room. I turn around to Charlie to see how he's holding up. He shoots me an encouraging smile before Sarah and I disappear into the hallway.

"Now, I want the full the story." I haven't even sat down on my bed yet but it wouldn't be Sarah if she didn't get straight to the point. So i tell her. I tell her what went down between Charlie and Kaylie, I tell her what happened after he told me. Her eyes keep growing wider and wider the more I tell. "Sarah, is it stupid to act like nothing happened?" Right now that's exactly what I want to do. I want to forget I ever saw that kiss. I want to go back to that moment in the park when Charlie first kissed me. To what I felt then. Sarah softly rubs my hand. "I wouldn't call it stupid but... maybe a little irrational? I mean, it's not like I don't believe his story, I always thought Kaylie is a jealous bitch..." - "SARAH!" I catch my breath. "What? It's true. But why would she pull a stunt like this. She couldn't have known you'd see them and who knows if he would have told you? It just doesn't seem logical to me."

I think about what she said for a moment. She isn't wrong. I believe Charlie's story but she right about there having to be more to it. "If I would have known earlier I would have talked to her in school today." I shake my head. "Sarah, don't. Maybe that's exactly what she wants - attention." Now that I think about it, it really wouldn't surprise me. Kaylie has often tried to get attention from Coach Lewis and she is always the first to be around new team members. "Geez, she's such a bitch." I playfully hit Sarah's arm. "Stop saying that!" - "But it's true! You're just too nice about her." I shake my head once again, smiling this time.

"I'll come back to school tomorrow." Sarah's eyes widen. "Are you sure? I bet your parents would let you stay home for a few days." - "I have to go. I don't want to ruin the rest of the week for Charlie and I can't stay home and constantly think about how much I upset mum." Sarah knows my mum almost as well as I do by now. She surely realized she is really upset this time. "I'm so sorry this all happened Mia." I force a smile onto my lips. "It'll be ok." I wish I would believe that though. A knock on the door interrupts our conversation. Without waiting for my approval mum pokes her head through the door. "Sarah, I think Mia should really get some rest." Sarah nods quickly before she gets up. Pulling me into a hug she whispers "See you at school" and leaves.

"Mum, you really didn't have to kick her out." - "For your behavior I should do more than just kick out your friend. You should be grounded." She throws a quick look at my ankle before she adds "But I guess you're punished enough by that." She doesn't wait for my response. She closes the door behind her and leaves me sitting in my room alone. I don't sit alone for long when my phone announces a new text - it's from Charlie. Are you awake? I send back a thumbs up and only a minute later my door slowly opens and Charlie slides in, closing the door as quietly as possible. "Did mum forbid you from coming in?" He nods quickly, his eyes fixed on the ground. "I just wanted to see how you're holding up." I slide over in my bed, making room for him to sit down. "Come here" I say quietly.

Without any hesitation he comes over and sits down next to me, immediately reaching for my hand. I can tell he's unsure how I'm feeling about this so I squeeze his hand, silently telling him it's ok. We sit in silence for a little but then Charlie clears his throat. "I talked to your parents." I raise an eyebrow at him. "I told them what happened. I told them it's my fault you Fell but..." - "Charlie!" I try my best to move closer to him. Locking my eyes with his I say "It was not your fault." - "It feels a lot like it. Anyway, your parents weren't happy with what I told them but... it doesn't make any difference, does it? Your mum is still mad?" I nod my head. "I've never seen her that disappointed." I don't know what's worse, the injury or disappointing mum like this. "I'm so sorry Mia."

I want to move closer to Charlie but my stupid ankle is in such an awkward position that every inch of movement makes it hurt so I place my free hand on his neck and pull him closer. He seems to understand because within seconds his lips are on mine. Without stopping to kiss me he moves closer so now there isn't an inch of space between us anymore. This is the moment I decide that it doesn't matter what happened with Kaylie. It doesn't change how I'm feeling about him and it doesn't change how I think he's feeling about me. "You can't be serious!" Charlie and I jump apart at the angry sound of mum's voice. "Get the hell out of my daughters room." Without a word Charlie jumps up and quickly walks out of my room. "Mia, we need to talk."

As Cold As Ice // Charlie GillespieWhere stories live. Discover now