Chapter 10

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Waking up I feel like I've been run over by a truck. It took me forever to fall asleep. I've been tossing and turning for hours, wondering what's wrong with Charlie. Obviously I didn't buy that he's tired. Something was off about him and I just couldn't figure out what. I kept waking up so even though it's only 5:30am I guess there's no point in trying to go back to sleep. I'd have to get up in an hour anyways. I roll myself out of bed, stretching, before I grab my clothes for the day and head over to the shower.

As I walk by Charlie's room I can't help but continue to wonder what happened yesterday. While in the shower I try my best to piece together yesterdays events but I just can't seem to find out what happened. For a moment I thought he might be acting weird because he told me about the music thing but I quickly shock that thought off. I doubt that's it. Letting out one last frustrated growl I decide I won't figure it out anyways. I'll just have to wait and see how he's acting today and if he'll tell me himself.

"Mia, you're ready early!" Mum is already in the kitchen making coffee. "You know mum, you don't have to get up extra early every day. I'm old enough to make my coffee and breakfast." I said that way more harshly than I intended to do. The lack of sleep and the frustration really brought out the worst in me. "Honey, what's wrong?" Of course she knows I'm not grumpy because of her but something else. "Nothing. I just didn't sleep well. Sorry, I didn't mean to snap. Can I help you?" A bright smile builds on her lips as she steps a little aside so I can help her cut up some fruit.

We've just finished preparing the fruit salad when Charlie walks into the kitchen. He looks like he didn't sleep too well either. "Good Morning" he mumbles sitting down at the counter. I place a bowl infront of him and mum grabs him a mug for the coffee. I get the yogurt from the fridge before I walk around the counter and sit down next to Charlie. He looks up at me, flashing me a shy smile. "Alright guys, I'm gonna get ready for work. Have a good day." Without anything else mum walks out of the kitchen.

For a few moments Charlie and I silently fill our bowls with yogurt and fruit salad. I want to say something but I don't know what and I'm worried he's still in the same weird mood he was in yesterday. "Mia I'm sorry." I almost drop my spoon because I'm so surprised he said something. I carefully place it back in the bowl before I slightly turn my head so I can look at Charlie. "For what?" - "For acting so weird." So I was right! He wasn't just tired. Something was off. "Why did you?" He squirms around in his chair a little, visibly getting a little uncomfortable. "I really shouldn't say." I raise an eyebrow now more curious than ever.

"It's silly really." He reaches for his coffee and I can tell he's trying to distract me. "If you didn't wanna tell me why bring it up?" Slowly placing his coffee mug back on the counter Charlie turns his head slightly. His gaze is so intense, for a moment I forget what we were even talking about. "Because I think you should know but... whatever, I only have to survive less than two weeks with the guy... and well another two when you come visit." He laughs a little but I don't really buy it. It's like he's almost... worried. What guy is he talking about? "Charlie, what happened?"

He shoots me a small shy smile. "Remember what I told you in the car?" I try my hardest to remember what we talked about. I was so focussed on figuring out what's up with Charlie I didn't give it a second thought. "Lukas?!" He just nods slightly. Now I'm really confused. I just stare at Charlie waiting for an explanation. "He like REALLY likes you... and I guess... I don't know... he saw me as some sort of competition?" Charlie's laugh sounds a little nervous. When he continues his voice sounds a little angry. "Anyways, he told me to stay away from you, which is crazy because I live with you but yeah... that's why I acted so weird." I don't know what to say to that. Lukas said that?

"I can't believe this." Charlie just shrugs. "It's the truth but..." I shush him with my eyes. "That's not what I meant. I believe you but I can't believe this. I hardly know that guy and... Sarah liked him for ages... I would never. Not that I would if it wasn't for Sarah. He's... I don't know... too much?" The laugh that leaves Charlie's lips now is not nervous or shy, it's a real laugh. "Too much?" I can't help but laugh too, shrugging. "Yeah? You'll understand once you know him better." Not that I think they will get to know each other better after that. That explains why he suddenly decided to chaperon Charlie yesterday. He was looking for a way to talk to him alone.

"Mia?" - "Mhm?" - "You can't tell him." I shake my head slightly. "I have no interest in talking to him at all." I don't know him well but I know he can be a real dick, which he literally just proved. I just wish I could tell Sarah this, even though she might not believe me. She knows I'm not a big fan of Lukas. I just can't believe he likes me. Like why didn't he just ask me out? I would have likely said no, even before Sarah, but he can't pull a stunt like this!

As Cold As Ice // Charlie GillespieWhere stories live. Discover now