Chapter 9

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You can barely sleep that night knowing that Kyle felt the same way about you, and now you two are dating. When morning finally comes around, you rush downstairs while putting your winter hat and jacket on at the same time. Kyle is waiting for you today, but you run right past him. You go running to school, "Come on, Kyle! I bet I'll beat you there!" you challenge.

Kyle goes running after you. He catches up to you which causes you to run faster, but Kyle runs right passed you. You can see the school. You run faster, but Kyle ends up winning that race. You both breathe heavily while laughing.

Kyle hugs you, "Good job."

You smile and hug him back. You feel the warmth of his body pressing against yours. Stan, Kenny, and Cartman come over laughing. Kyle quickly let you go, blushing.

"You finally got together, huh?" says Stan.

Kyle nods. Kenny then muffles something you don't want to repeat. Kyle answers with, "Gross dude, of course not!"

Everyone just laughs and heads to class. This time Mr. Garrison is in there but he didn't look like a mister.

"Hello children I have recently had a gender change, so now you will call me Ms. Garrison," he or she says.

Everyone sits down, mesmerized by Mr. Garrison's gender change. You don't really care what he/she does with his/her life and also this is your first time meeting him/her. You sit down normally and take out your school supplies. You sit there ready to start class. Kyle stares and smiles at you the whole time, but you decide to focus on class first then boys later.

After school, you pack up your things and wait for Kyle at the door. Kyle walks over and holds your hand. Stan, Kenny, and Cartman walk over. Kyle smiles then takes everyone to his house. You sit on the couch while the boys hook up a game called, Guitar Hero. Stan and Kyle grab their guitars and begin rocking out to your favorite song. Stan and Kyle hit every note perfectly. You smile and close your eyes in order to focus on your favorite song. When the song is over, someone taps your shoulder. You open your eyes to see Kyle giving you his guitar.

"Your turn," he says.

You take the guitar. You look to see you are playing against Cartman. You choose your favorite song that Stan and Kyle got done playing. You can't help it, you really wanted to hear that song again. You take off your winter hat so you can hear the notes better. Stan doesn't seem surprised by your cat ears mainly because he knew when you two were at the football game. Kenny, on the other hand, is muffling, "What the hell?"

The music begins to play. You hit the first note perfectly. Then the second, then the third. You play the whole song perfectly and smoothly. Cartman keeps having trouble finding the notes on his guitar. The song ends with you hitting the last note perfectly. Everyone but Cartman claps for you. You look up to see you get a perfect score. You didn't realize you did so well.

Kyle runs over and hugs you and spins you around, "You did amazing. I sure do know how to pick'em."

Everyone laughs with Kyle and you blushing a little. You hope your mom will understand that it is safe to stay in South Park. You put on your winter hat before going outside. Kyle walks you home. You see your mom in the driveway, as always.

She walks over while staring at Kyle, "I hope you had fun today because we are leaving the day after tomorrow. We packed up everything."

"NO!" you yell while holding Kyle's arm. "You can't do this. Why are you taking everything I love away?"

Your mom pulls you away from Kyle. That feeling of loneliness comes back as soon as your hands leave Kyle's jacket sleeve. Your mom throws you over her shoulder. Kyle stands there staring into space. You can see tears fall down his amazing big eyes. They flow down like a waterfall. You want to cry along with him, but no tears will come out. Your heart hurt too much to even think about crying. Your mom takes you inside and shuts the door. You look out the window to see Kyle running away.

"Please don't leave me, Kyle," you whisper to yourself.

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