Chapter 26

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You help Butters walk into the hospital. His bleeding has gotten worse and you are seriously worried about him. Butters is like a little brother to you. You get the kitty urge to protect him. You sit him in a seat. You can see Butters's eyes droop and his head swings back and forth.
"Hang in there, Butters," you whisper.
You run up to the main desk and plead with the lady at the desk to help Butters. She calls a few nurses who take Butters to a room, but, sadly, you are forced to stay in the waiting room. You pace back and forth. Your cat ears droop with worry. Your eyes keep getting all watery with every second that passes.
Hours pass and finally a nurse comes out and calls for you. You rush over to the nurse as quickly as you could.
"Is he alright?" you ask.
The nurse smiles, "He will be just fine. He lost some blood, but not enough to kill him."
You cry with happiness. Your friend is gonna be alright.
"But this wound was no accident. I must ask you. How did this happen?" the nurse questions.
Your body freezes. Tears immediately stop flowing, "Well.... you see... um...."
The nurse puts her hand over your shoulder, "Please, I just want to make sure your friend is safe from any further harm."
How can you tell her that Cartman did it? He is your friend too, but you want to protect Butters, as well. All this worry floods your head. Your head feels all dizzy. Before you knew it, you collapse and everything fades to black.

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