Chapter 29

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You growl at the guard holding the knife. His eyes looks at you and widen with terror. He quickly drops the knife. You take a little step forward. Kyle stares at your eyes and smiles. You trot over to him and help him get free. The guards pick up their guns in their pockets and raise them to you. Kyle massages your ears and gives you a comforting smile. He gets down on one knee, "You got this (Y/N)."

You growl softly with cofidence. Your eyes narrow and shoot the guards a terrifying stare. They back up a little, and you notice the guns shaking in their hands. You quickly lunge forward making some drop the their guns and flee, and others begin shooting. You dodge every single bullet shot at you. You wrap your jaws around one of the female guard's neck. She shook with so much fear. You feel her skin press against your jaws.

"If one of you shoot or move, her head comes clean off," you mumble.

The taste of the woman's flesh tastes disgusting in your mouth. Her skin was rough and bumpy. Some humans just disgusts you, especially when they go aft Kyle. All the guards look at each other with worried looks. They have no clue what to do.

"Just let them go!" the hostage woman screams.

The guards all drop their guns to the floor. You glance at Kyle with this look that says, get out. Kyle nods and runs out. You don't care what happens as long as Kyle is safe. You let th woman go. You turn to walk out the door when you feel something heavy whack you to the floor. You look up to see heavy metal chains above you. A man walks over and smirks at you.

"You'real not a normal girl, are ya."

You growl while narrowing your eyes. You can feel your tiger body slowly fading. You can see pieces of skin coming back onto your body. The man picks you up bridal style and takes you to a small room with a single chair in the middle. The man throws you against the chair and takes the chains off. He locks your hands and ankles to the chair.

"She's all yours," the man disappears behind the door.

A man with short black hair and a bushy black mustache walked out of the shadows, "Hello there ma'am. I am Randy Marsh. I will be your kidnapper for the day."

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