Chapter 27

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Your cat ears pick up serious whispering. You wake up surrounded by doctors and nurses whispering about you.
"GET AWAY FROM HER!!" you look at the door to see Kyle standing there.
Security rushes in and grabs Kyle by the shirt and arms. Kyle tries to get out of the guys' grips. Another guard grabs his legs. The guards lift Kyle up and remove him from the room. Kyle left screaming and yelling.
You go to move to get up but your body didn't move. You look to see you are strapped down to a metal table. Three fat straps on your body and three thin straps on your arms and legs. You lay back down and stare at the shiny, silver ceiling. Your eyes become wide when you see your reflection. The nurse obviously was the one who took off your winter hat to reveal your cat ears. You look around and see people's judging faces. Some amused and some disgusted. Oh, you want Kyle here with you. Why must they take him?
Just then a feeling rushes over you. A feeling of loneliness and madness. You eyes become bright yellow with black slits for pupils. Your heart races and your body begins to shake. You feel like a trapped tiger. Well this tiger is gonna fight apparently. Doctors and nurses begin to get a terrified look on their faces. You do an evil chuckle. Your muscles tense up, making the straps snap. You slowly stand up on the table you were on and stare down at the pathetic excuse for humans. You close your eyes and listen. You hear slight yelling and banging down the hall. KYLE!!! You bust the doors open and go running down the hall.

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