Shinbaku- Mafia Au

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Katsuki was walking down the street when all of a sudden he bumped into someone. The guy grabbed Katsuki's arm and pulled him of the ground, Katsuki was amazed by the man's visuals. Then the man pulled his phone out and gave his number to Katsuki and after that Katsuki's life went from 0 to 100 real quick.

Warnings: Mafia Au, Yandere Au, swearing, blood, murder

Shinsou's POV

It was already 10:00pm and the sun was long gone, which means most people are asleep. I had just finished killing my last victim and luckily got no blood on me, so I decided to walk down the streets for a while.

I've been apart of a mafia for most of my life, due to my parents being apart of one before I was even born. My parents died 5 years ago and to be completely honest I'm glad they did, they were terrible people, not saying I'm much better but at least I have feelings and sympathy. I was a mistake and still to this day don't understand why my parents even had me if it wasn't for their stupid asses having a little too much fun when they got drunk. (lmao that was funny to write) I don't even like this place it's boring and is just filled with stupid, selfish, sinister people.

While I was stuck in my thoughts I forgot that I was still walking down the streets of the city. I thought no one would be out this late but turns out I was wrong, when suddenly I tripped over someone. Luckily I caught my balance and stood up right again, but the person I tripped over seemed to not have the same luck and ended up falling onto the concrete path. 'Must be a drunk person' I thought while reaching my hand out for them to take (I was literally about to call them a drunko because that's what my family and I call a drunk person but I don't think anyone else calls that's that 😂) The person hadn't took my hand yet so I looked down at them and was about to yell at them when instead of a drunko (yeah I said it 😂) I was met with a beautiful boy with platinum blonde hair that was spiked up in all different directions and ruby red eyes that sparkled like a gem, his skin was a milky white that complimented his blonde hair, his nose was so cute and round that I wanted to poke it which would lead him to smiling with his pink soft looking lips that I was now staring at. 'He's so cute I just want to hug him for the rest of my life' 'and look at his adorable squishy cheeks I just want to pinch them and kiss them' (don't even think about something different you dirty minded people 😑)

"Excuse me sir"
"Are you ok sir?"
"Omg your face is so red! Are you sick?" (Ugh Corona get away from me bitch 🏃‍♀️💨)

Soon my thoughts about the boy were interrupted by someone yelling.

Katsuki's POV

I had just left my night shift at the cafe and was now walking down the streets towards my house. I decided to take a short cut home even though it can be risky, but right now I just want to get home and sleep.

On my way home I pulled my phone out and put on my Spotify playlist. My favourite song 'Arcade' was playing and a smile was now painted onto my face. I put my phone into the pocket of my jeans and then started humming the lyrics softly while swaying my head to the beat.

After a while I was completely zoned out from reality and was now singing to 'My Head & My Heart' without noticing I bumped into someone and fell onto my face on the concrete. 'Who the fuck?' I was pissed and was about to yell at the person but was met with a purpled hair guy that had matching purple eyes which were quite mesmerising. I could feel myself blushing but managed to pull myself out of my thought. The man seemed to also be in a trance so I tried to wake him up by waving my hands in front of his face but he didn't move a single muscle so I said

"Hello" but still no reply so once again I said
"Excuse me sir" no reaction at all
"Are you ok sir?" I was beginning to be concerned when suddenly I saw his face turn completely red
"Omg your face is so red! Are you sick?" I asked putting my hands up to his head to see if he was turning hot.

Bukubottom Oneshots (Discontinued)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora