Come Here Often - KiriKamiBaku

789 10 2

Story requested by @CyanPsycho

Word count: 4880


It's been a month since Katsuki's life shattered into a million of broken pieces, left alone as nothing but a scattered mess. Five years of happiness, thrown away like the memories never happened. He thought he had found everything he needed and that for once everything was going to be fine but it's crazy how one little mistake can ruin your whole life.

Katsuki and his not so loving partner were known as couple goals or the Dream relationship; they were always with each other, comforting and encouraging each other. Everyone fell into the trap of believing that they were the perfect couple, even Katsuki but oh how terribly wrong he was. He was blinded by his love to even notice the secrets and lies that were locked and hidden behind each one of his lover's words.

Now each day he would beat himself up for being so naive and faithful. If only he wasn't so young, maybe he would have seen the hints and alerting red flags swaying around the man he once thought was his. If only he wasn't so loyal, he might have found the new information not so devastating to the point that simply getting out of bed was a challenging task for him. If only he wasn't so blinded by love he might have just noticed how suspicious his partner would get when asking personal questions.

But the damage had already been done since that unfortunate day, The day that Katsuki remembers as if it had only happened yesterday.


He had kissed his fiancé goodbye and started driving to work but realised he had forgot his phone, so he turned at the lights and drove back home to fetch his phone quickly. When he pulled into the driveway he noticed a car was parked at the front of the house, not any car he's seen before; but Katsuki shook the thoughts away and just assumed that it was one of his friends new car. He then got his key an unlocked the door, walking inside, slowly heading to the kitchen. He spotted his phone and grabbed it, shoving it into his pocket. On the way out he heard something, similar to a whine or whimper, he was confused so he called out for his fiancée. No response was heard only the similar sound was heard but louder. He went investigate the sound, nearing closer to the room it came from which seemed to be his and his partner's shared room. He stood by the door and realised that the sound sounded more like moans rather than whimpers and immediately tears welled up in Katsuki's eyes. He couldn't believe it, why him, why, why, why? He ran out of the house, knowing that he would never return again; and on the way out he threw his ring of his finger hoping that his ex fiancé would find it and realise it was over.


Now Katsuki rested his head on his hands while looking out into the city that cried almost as if the sky was mimicking his emotions. He traced the raindrops falling down on his window, as he looked at the people rushing down the streets with their umbrellas.

Soon light entered the room as Mina walked in, which Katsuki saw in the reflection of the glass window that his finger's still touched. She walked over to him and held onto his shoulders, making him face her. She looked at his face for one second before pulling him into her embrace.

This wasn't anything new to her. After he ran away he immediately knocked on Mina's door crying and sobbing words that weren't understandable. She opened the door and immediately was pulled into a hug, which was not broken until both sat on the couch. Katsuki told her everything in broken English as he tried his best not to breakout into another sobbing rampage but that didn't workout to plan and soon the lakes of water that piled up in his eyes came flowing down turning into rapid waterfalls. Mina still understood the situation even though most of the words weren't very comprehensible, she could still piece the words she knew together, once again embracing him into a warm hug.

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