Shinbaku- Mafia au part 3

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'Katsuki had found an unusual looking door and got curious, he wanted to see what was in the room but was soon stopped and was greeted with an angry Shinsou. Shinsou did not like how Katsuki was wondering is how freely and touching things without permission, so he decided to punish Katsuki.' 

Word count: 1532

mentions of torture,
Mentions of death

I would recommend skipping this chapter if you get uncomfortable easily or prefer fluff and cute stories because this will be far from that. But if you still want to read I'll give warnings during the story.


Guess I'll have to punish you for your wrong doings~

Katsuki was soon flooded with fear, his whole body nearly turning into jelly. He regretted wondering around an unfamiliar house, he regretted coming on the date, and he definitely regretted meeting this man. Katsuki was now frozen in spot with only fear and terror running through his head; tears soon soon started surfacing in his eyes, begging to be let out. He wanted to be anywhere but here, he wanted to be resting in his sweet bed. But instead he was standing in an unfamiliar house with a man that he thought would be the one, and oh how he regretted his thoughts about this terrifyingly beautiful man.

Shinsou loved how scared the pretty boy was due to his simple words. he loved to see the visible trepidation and panic in those beautiful dark ruby red eyes; he could see how the tears swelling up in the blonde boys eyes had made them look more glossy and beautiful. Shinsou was so in love with this boy that he was going to make sure that Katsuki was his and on his. Only he would be able to look into those blood red eyes that reminded him of all the blood from the victims he had killed, only he could run his fingers through those blonde spikes that were actually softer that the clods in the light blue sky, only he could touch the older boys smooth, milky white skin.

Shinsou began to move closer to the boy, taking steps forward, making Katsuki slowly step backwards as well. Soon Katsuki was trapped in between Shinsou's arms and legs, resting on the door that was once forbidden to touch; he had no where to escape which made him panic. "Stop looking around so frantically, you're not going to escape and never will, understood" Shinsou had raised his voice at the last bit, making Katsuki flinch at the change in tone. He then nodded while crying due to how scared he was. Shinsou lifted one arm from the door used one of his fingers to wipe away the continuously flowing streams of tears falling down Katsuki's eyes. Katsuki looked up into the other man's eyes and almost felt safe again, and then Shinsou whispered in his ear. "If you really want to know what's in that room, I can show you" Katsuki was flooded with different emotions but his curiosity was in control, leading in him nodding. Which made Shinsou creepily smile, he knew what lied behind this door and he knew that it was not something Katsuki was going to find pleasant.

Shinsou reached down to his pocket which made a jingling sound, he then had a key in his hand that seemed to match the door behind Katsuki. He placed the key in the keyhole and twisted it; the door made a click sound showing that it was now open. Shinsou then let Katsuki go and faced his arm towards the door, telling him to do the honour of opening the door. Katsuki's worry and anxiety soon took over his curiosity and now he was suddenly scared of what was behind the door but, because of his curiosity still there, he twisted the door handle and slowly started opening the door.

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