Taurus's POV

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    I was currently sitting in my room staring at my empty suitcase.

    About an hour ago my aunt had given me a fancy envelop that invited me to some boarding school in Sweden call Elmwood.

    I still couldn't believe it, all of my life I had been a disappointment to my aunt but then all of a sudden I get invited to Sweden and I'm her favorite nephew. She even offered to take me shopping, which I quickly denied.

    Elmwood is a school for gifted kids, so why I got an invitation was beyond me. Just as I was about to continue puzzling over the fact someone knocked on my small bedrooms door.

    I got up and opened up the door to see my aunt standing in front of me smiling, "Hello sweetie, I was wondering if you needed any help packing?" She asked.

    I shook my head but she came in anyways. "You know I always knew that you would accomplish great things."

    Mentally I rolled my eyes I had no doubt that she expected me to end up living on the streets but instead I said,"Thanks auntie!" I had to treat her with respect since she was the only family I had left.

    "Well you're a big boy you can pack for yourself but I just wanted to check on my favorite nephew!" She cooed, pinching my cheek.

    "I'm good Auntie." I told her.

    "Aright then don't forget your tooth brush" she told me, finally leaving the room.

    I sighed and walked into my bathroom. I was pretty excited about traveling to Sweden I heard they had really good food there, and honestly I wasn't going to miss home much. I was a burden to my Auntie, my parents were gone, I only had one friend, so going to a new school was a great opportunity to start over. I could be who ever I want to be.

    While I was thinking about this I grabbed my toothbrush, toothpaste and other important things for the trip and threw it into a bag I looked up and caught my eye in the mirror. I looked at my brown hair and matching eyes and wondered what my parents looked like, I shook my head and continued packing until I was sure I had everything I needed.

    I then decided I needed some fresh air, so I grabbed my head phones and played my favorite song as I left our apartment.

    I walked along my favorite trail which was by a river that flowed in between rocks and moss surrounded by flowers. It was really beautiful and this was probably the only part of home I would miss.

    Up ahead I could see four figures walking on the opposite side of the trail. As I got closer I could see that it was four girls, they were laughing and talking together.

    I felt slightly jealous, I wanted a friendship like that.

    I forced my eyes away and kept walking, eventually deciding to head home when the sun started to set.

    As I walked home I thought of Elmwood. What would a new school bring me? All my life I was prepared, always knowing what to expect. But I had to admit, the thrill of not knowing where something would lead you was kinda spontaneous and fun.

    It was only when I was laying in bed that night when I realized that the four girls all looked the same.


I hope you like it so far!

QOTC: Whats your favorite song?


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