Aquarius's POV

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    I snuggled into my blanket to get to a warmer position. It was early, I don't know what time but I was not ready to get out of bed yet.

    I had heard Gemini and Libra get up a while ago but I don't know what their doing now. Just as I was about to close my eyes and drift off to sleep again, my door was thrown open and Gem and Lib came in banging pots and pans together.

    "Wake up! Aqua wake up!" They sang.

    "Ugh what the-" I mumbled and put my pillow over my face to block the noise.

    "Come on orientation starts in 30 minutes. You have to get up." Lib ordered, taking my blanket away from me.

    I shot her a glare but got up. "Ok, ok I'm up! Ow, give me some privacy." I groaned.

    Once they were gone I opened up my closet and looked at my clothes.

    "Lets see," I mumbled to myself. I decided to wear some black shorts, and a pink t shirt, with white tennis shoes.

    I brushed out my hair and decided to leave it down. I then walked out into the kitchen to quickly eat something before we had to leave.

    "Look who woke up!" Gem joked.

    I rolled my eyes, "Yeah yeah, pass me the egos." She did and I quickly toasted one and shoved it in my mouth.

    "So what do you think they'll talk about at orientation?" Lib asked us.

    "I don't know but it will probably be boring." Gem sighed, I nodded in agreement.

    "Well its starting in a few minutes so we should probably get going." I noticed the time.

    They both reluctantly agreed and we grabbed our bags and keys. As we were walking to the elevator we saw three boys walking there as well.

    I saw a familiar blonde among the pack. "Hey Leo!" I yelled down the hall.

    He turned to face me and and grinned when he saw who it was. "Hey, you guys headed down to orientation?" He asked falling into line with us.

    I rolled my eyes, "No Leo we're going to Taco Bell."

    "Taco Bell, can I come?" A boy with dark skin and matching eyes asked.

    "She was being sarcastic Sag." Libra told the guy.

    "Do you guys know each other?" Gem asked.

    "Yeah we road the elevator up together." Sag answered.

    "Sag these are my roommates Aquarius but call her Aqua, and Gemini but call her Gem." Libra said introducing us.

    "Cool nice to meet you guys, these are my roommates Leo and Aries, guys meet Libra." He said, I noticed the two boys snicker and Sag had a faint pink on his cheeks.

    We continued walking down to the stair case while talking. "So Leo how do you know Aqua?" Gem asked.

    "We sat next to each other on the plane." Leo explained.

    We reached the bottom of the staircase and saw a bunch of students walking into the big oak doors, that must be where orientation will be held.

    "Let's head in" Libra started off after the others.

We followed her into the doors and saw a very big room with red velvet seats all lined perfectly in rows, a lot of students were already sitting down waiting for it to start.

    At the front of the room there was a stage, at the front of the stage waiting for everyone to come in and settle down was a short woman with purple hair and blue sharp eyes holding a clipboard. Behind her was seven other people.

    "That must be principal Ainsworth and the other teachers" Aries realized.

    I nodded. "Let's find some seats".

    They all followed me to the sixth row back and sat down. There was already six other people sitting there talking to each other. Just then four people walked in, two girls and two boys. They shoved people out of their way to get the best seats, I disliked them immediately.

    In the end they sat down across from us. Back at home my parents always told me that I was a magnet for trouble, I mean they aren't wrong. My problem is that I always want to do what's right, liked to show people who they were messing with, also I was kinda bored.

    "I'll be right back I have to go the the bathroom." I said standing up.

    "Ok hurry up it's starting soon." Gem called. I nodded and ran out the doors coming up with a plan in my head.

    Instead of going to the bathrooms I ran outside to find a good stick. I eventuality found a good shaped stick that would be perfect for my trick. I then removed my shoelace from my shoe and tied it on to the stick creating a slingshot.

    Smiling I walked into mess hall where I found a trash can on wheels.

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