Gemini's POV

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I opened my eyes and for a second was blinded by sunlight. I smiled and sat up. I liked Saturdays, they were a great day to hang out with friends and relax. I decided I wanted to make a smoothie and go for a run.

I hummed, in a good mood as I walked into the kitchen to see my parents already up drinking coffee. This worried me slightly, My parents liked getting up late on weekends, I looked over at the clock, it was 6:00.

"Mom? Dad? Why are you guys up so early?" I asked them sitting down on a barstool.

"Well we have to drive you to the airport in a few hours to go to your new school." My mom told me sipping her coffee.

I fell out of my chair and hit my elbow on the floor.

"Oh no! I forgot about the new school! I need to get ready!" I panicked standing up and running back to my room.

I had totally forgotten that today my life started over and I would be attending Elmwood a school for gifted people.

I threw one some jeans and a black tank top, (I wanted to bring my A game), I brushed out my dirty blond hair and put some fast make-up on. I then brushed my teeth and put some last minute packing supplies in my bag.

As I finished getting ready I took a deep breath to calm my nerves. At first I didn't want to go to this school, I had so many friends here! But then I saw that it was located in Sweden and I knew I had to go!
I hadn't ever been to Sweden but I had seen pictures, and it was gorgeous! There was so much I wanted to see there, so much I wanted to do.

I walked back to the kitchen where my mom was blowing her nose and sniffing, when she saw me she full on started bawling. I gave her a comforting hug before pulling away gently to go make myself a cup of coffee.

My parents would be driving me to the airport then I would ride the plane by myself. The thought of leaving my family made my eyes water up, I quickly blinked and put on my sunglasses.

"Alright I think we have everything, are you ready to go sweetie?" My dad asked me.

I was about to nod when I remembered something. "Wait! I need to get something really quickly!" I told them and ran into the house.

I sprinted to my room and looked around. There. My Necklace.

It was a gold chain with a small yellow gem in the middle. My grandma had given it to me when she fell ill. She told me that yellow was my color because it meant warmth and happiness, I never went anywhere without it now.

I put the necklace on and took one last look at my childhood room before dashing back out to the car.

"Ok now I'm ready to go." I said, slightly panting.

My dad started the car and we drove off. I turned in my seat and watched my house until I could no longer see it.

I turned back and faced the front of the car hoping my new school will bring me new friends, new interests, and new experiences. Sure I was going to miss my parents but this was the start to a new beginning, one that I was ready for.


Geminis POV is up! I hope you like it all so far! Any feedback?

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