Taurus's POV

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    I didn't know what to expect the Cave of Stjarnor to look like. Maybe I expected a dark and scary stereotypical cave with bats and a weird odor. I certainly didn't expect a pile of plain brown rocks.

    "Well I can see why she is living here, I haven't even stepped in and I already feel at home." Aries said sarcastically.

    We had abandoned out rental car a few miles back since the road got too bumpy. It was like a ghost town out here, we hadn't seen a person or animal in miles. Right now the six of us stood far away from the sad cave. Maybe if we got closer we could scout out safe entrances...

    "Should we go in?" Gemini asked.

    "Yeah lets go." Leo declared marching to the cave.

    In front of us was just empty dirt and sand. A few rocks here and there, nothing special, I couldn't help but wonder, why here? What was so special about this cave?

    "Wait! Shouldn't we form a plan of attack? We don't want a repeat of last time." Sag blurted out obviously nervous, then again we all were.

    "Yeah that's a good idea Sag." Libra smiled softly.

    "Ok fine, we walk to the cave find Ophiuchus and kick her butt." Aries summarized.

    "Yeah that's a great idea." I rolled my eyes.

    He scoffed, "Ok well whats your plan genius?"

    I sighed, "She's more powerful, but there's more of us. Orion said that she could control darkness and shadows remember? So use that to our advantage. It'll be dark soon so we have to hurry. We'll draw her out to the light then attack together, coordinate our attacks and watch each other's backs."

    Everyone nodded seeming happy with that plan. Then Libra spoke up and said, "Remember Orion said to try and convince her to join the stars. If talking doesn't work, then we'll fight."

    "Countless lives are depending on us." Gemini stated.

    "Well lets not disappoint them." Aries said as he began to lead the way to the cave.

    It was a nonchalant moment. Even if it was for just a minute, everything was at peace. No one was hurt or in danger, the weight of the world wasn't on our shoulders. It was like everything was right.

    Then the Earth began to shake.


Cliffhanger I'm sorry, but not really! I know its a short one but trust me, the next one will be a lot longer. Hope you enjoyed the chapter, let me know what you think.

QOTC: Favorite element?


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