Part 1

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I pressed my head tightly to the mattress as i wrapped the pillow around my ear. It confused me how Jake could actually live in this apartment. Yeah, it was pretty awesome, but living right next to the airport sucked. 

"Bitch get up." Jacobs voice echoed down at me as i moaned. It was way to early to get up.

"Go away." I muttered softly as i rolled onto my side. He grew silent for a couple of seconds before the heat from the blanket instantly vanished.

"Hey!" I shouted as i snapped my head up to look at him as he held the blanket close to his chest.

"I said up." He said with a sly grin as i looked around his room. It was nice of him to give me his room let alone let me stay with him until i made some money to get my own place.

"Why! It's like 5 in the morning." I groaned as i pressed my head to the pillow again.

"No Lauren, it's actually 12:50 and your phone has been ringing constantly for the past hour." He told me as i peaked up at him. He raised an eyebrow at my sudden attention.

"Why?" I asked as he rolled his eyes and turned to walk away.

"Beats me! But get up!" He shouted as he walked towards the bathroom.

I sighed as i carefully pulled myself out of his bed and made my way into the kitchen. My lips curved into a grin at the sight of the coffee on the counter.

"Made you a cup." Jake said as he walked towards the fridge. I smiled at him as i took a sip.

"Such a gentleman." I said as he rolled his eyes.

"Please go check your phone. It's annoying." He said playfully as i made my way into the living room. I reached down at my phone as my jaw dropped.

I had 43 missed calls from either Niall, Louis, Zayn, or Liam. Why the hell would the boys be calling me 43 times? I was about to text one of the boys when Niall began to call me.

"What do you want Leprechaun?" I asked as i heard that farmilar laugh on the other end.

"About time Lauren! Do you know how hard we were trying to get to you?" Niall's accent asked me as i looked towards the clock. The real question to me was why.

"Whoops, what do you want?" I asked him as i took another sip of my coffee.

"Will you come over please?" He asked me as i raised an eyebrow. He wanted me to come over? Why the hell would i do that?


"Because we need to talk to you." He replied as i hesitated at the word "we". I shifted in my seat as i thought about my response.

"Um, no." I muttered softly as i heard the phone shift on the other line.

"Lauren it's Lou, get your ass to Niall's right now." He said as i felt a smile creep across my face. Same old Lou.

"I don't want anything to do with Harry." I muttered softly as he hesitated on the other line.

"Harry isn't here. It's just the four of us." He said as i bit the inside of my cheek. I did miss the boys. I wouldn't hurt anyone if i went to see them again.

"Ugh fine. But i can't stay too long. I have to go to class later." I said as i stood up and grabbed my jacket.

"Sounds great babe!" Louis said as he quickly hung up. I rolled my eyes as i shrugged my jacket on and reached for my boots. There was no way i was changing out of my leggings.

"Where you going?" Jake asked me as i struggled with my boot.

"Going to see the boys." I replied as he crossed his arms.

"Harry?" He asked as i felt a deep anger fill inside of me.

"No." I replied as he nodded.

"Alright, meet you on campus?" He asked as i nodded and picked up my bag.

"Sounds good." I said as i made my way outside.

It didn't take me too long to get to Niall's. He didn't live too far from Jake. I made my way into the complex and paused outside his door. I carefully pounded three times and waited. I waited a couple of seconds before Niall poked his head out with a smile.

"Lauren! You are going to kill us." He muttered as he swung the door open. My smile vanished as i gaze towards the couch. All of the boys, including Harry, sat there. He was the only one that wasn't looking at me. Even the two men dressing in suits were staring at me.

"What the fuck is going on and who are they?" I asked as Niall tugged on my arm lightly.

"Just come sit down. We will explain it all." I sighed at the thought of being in the same room with Harry again.

"Pop a squat doll." Louis said with a grin as he patted the seat next to him. I gave him a small grin as i sat down next to him. Niall sat on the other side of me as the two men looked down at us.

" Ms Manner, pleased to finally meet you." One of them said as i shifted awkwardly on the couch.

"Why am i here?" I asked as i fought the urge to look over at Harry.

"We have a proposition for you." The other guy muttered as i looked over at Louis. He shrugged his shoulders and gazed back up at the man.

"What is your proposition." I asked sourly as the man crossed his arms.

"We know that you and Mr. Styles are no longer an item, but that is just too terrible for most of the fan to accept. You see, you are a model to them. They look up to you and adore you and quite honestly, your relationship with Mr. Styles has brought the band more fame." One of them said as i thought about that.

"So?" I asked as i peaked over at Harry. His hands were folded on his lap as he his curls covered his face.

"So, we want you to keep dating Harry." They said as i shifted in my seat. You have got to be kidding me.

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