Part 7

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"Fucking bastard!" I muttered under my breath as i pulled Jakes front door open. Angry thoughts of Harry bursted through my mind as i sulked in. 

"Whoa there, someone got your panties in a twist! I bet i know who." Jake called out from the couch, keeping his eyes glued to the screen. His white socks were rested on the coffee table as the rest of his body slouched on the couch.

I crinkled my nose angrily as i rolled my eyes. "I'm fine." I said through clenched teeth. The last thing i wanted right now was for Jake to tell me i made a bad mistake. Sure, this might have been a bad mistake but in the long run it will be good for me....i hope.

He raised his eyes to study my posture. I hadn't noticed my hands were clenched until he tilted his head towards my nearly purple hands. "You sure don't look fine." Jake sure as hell wasn't helping my anger simmer away.

"You know what Jake?" I said, trying to think of a comeback to bash him with. "You look stupid." I muttered pointing to his slouched body. He raised an eyebrow, intrigued by my words. 

"Yeah that's right, look at you. You look stupid." I continued, just now realising how stupid that sounded. He bit onto his bottom lip trying to fight back a grin that was trying to grow.

I moaned angrily as i pounded my boot against the floor. Great, now i looked stupid. I turned to walk towards his bedroom he was lending me as I heard his laughter fill the living room. "Want to talk about it?" He shouted through his giggles as i clenched the corner of the door tightly.

"No!" I shouted a bit higher pitch than i had expected. I quickly shoved the door, sending a loud slam through the whole apartment. Maybe then Jake would take my anger seriously.

I climbed onto the bed and covered my face with pillows as i let out a whining moan. My discussion with Harry had been worse than i thought it would be. Mixed emotions had clouded my visions, even temporarily blinding me to the hurt he had caused me. But just like always, he managed to give me that small push to show me exactly why i left.

A vibration tickled my leg as i fished my hand into my jeans for my phone. I squinted my eyes as i gaze at the phone: Niall.

Ey there! You goin' tomorrow night right? Hope you didn't think we would leave you alone like that on the first real outing! I got your back Lauren! x

A small grin spread across my lips as i read over his message. At least the boys would be there tomorrow. Even if i was incredibly pissed at how childish Harry acted all the time, at least the boys would be there with me too.

I sighed, placing my phone on the table side and cuddled myself into the blankets. Maybe i just needed a good nights sleep to shake the thought of today out of my head. Everything had happened too fast. My mind still was barely able to grasp even a part of it.

I flicked the light off as i rested my head on the pillow. Yeah, i just needed some sleep to cool down.....

***********"Lauren come here!" Harry shouted from the living room. I hadn't even heard him come home. I quickly spat the toothpaste out as i wandered into the living room to find him. 

My eyes grew wide as i took in the scene in front of me. "What the fuck?" I muttered softly as Harry sent me a "please don't kill me i love you" look.

"What is that?" I asked, pointing to the life sized sculpture standing next to him. He rested his elbow on it's shoulder as he glanced up at it.

"Pretty cool huh? I bought it." My eyes darted towards Louis's face and then back towards my boyfriend. You have got to be kidding me.

"Seriously." I asked, but hinted it more to a statement. Harry shrugged his shoulders as he gazed up at it. 

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