Part 10

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"What is wrong with you?" I asked, tilting my head to the left as Harry began to pace back and forth, not seeming to mind the rain that was catching in his curls.

"Harry?" I repeated again, watching him run is hands through his damp hair. 

He didn't feel the same, it was obvious. How could i be so stupid. How could i ever tell a pop star that i actually thought that i was falling in love with him? Obviously he didn't feel the same about me. It was stupid of me to think that he could have. But seriously? We were dating for four months, even could he expect me not to finally tell him how i felt.

"Fine, forget i said anything." I told him, hearing my voice crack as i turned to walk away. Harry's eyes instantly shot up, gripping my wrist tightly as i turned to face him again.

His eyes were filled with concern as he studied mine. "Please don't leave." He muttered mainly to himself. My heart ached at the sight of his pain, even if i had just poured my heart out to him and he didn't respond.

"Why? I just told you that I love you and now look at you." I motioned towards him and his flustered body. He looked as if someone had just told him someone died.

His eyes softened as a drop of rain fell to his forehead, dripping down his nose and onto his bottom lip, causing him to extend his tongue to lick it off.

He hesitated as he sighed. "That's not it." He whispered to me, shaking his head.

I rolled my eyes as i pried his grasp off of my wrist, causing a pain to echo through my chest as soon as his touch was removed. He glance down painfully, as if he had felt the same pain.

"Why not?" I said shrugging my shoulders. "I don't mean anything to you." I admitted, studying the rain as it hit my boots.

Harry whimpered causing me to look up at him. His face was contorted with pain, rain drops falling from his cheeks like tears.

"You mean so much more to me than you can ever believe." He told me, hesitating before he lifted his hand to wipe a rain drop from my cheek. I closed my eyes momentarily due to his touch, but quickly snapped them back open, not wanting to give into him this easily.

"Yeah well, i love you. So if you don't feel the same then  i can't do this anymore." I admitted, trying to turn to walk down to the street again. Harry's hand grasped my wrist again, this time much more delicately.

I turned to look at him as his large hands shot up to cup my cheeks lightly, carrassing them as he gazed deep into my eyes.

"You don't understand Lauren." He said softly, keeping his green eyes glued to mine." I stared back, letting his eyes peer deep into my soul.

"Try me." I stated, causing him to bite down on his lip.

"I'm scared." He admited. "I don't want you to leave me. It will hurt too much." He told me, causing my heart to convoulse with sorrow.

"Harry." I muttered softly, reaching my hand to stroke his cheek softly as i placed my forehead to his. "I won't ever leave you until you ask me too." I said, causing his lips to curve into a smile.

He hesitated again as thunder boomed above us. "I love you so much and it scares me. I haven't felt this much for a girl. You are diffrent Lauren and i'm scared to open myself up to you." He admited, pressing his forehead closer to mine. His eyes looked down from my face.

My eyes softened as i stroked his cheek again. "Don't be afraid of me, I won't do anything to hurt you. I love you." I muttered, causing his eyes to glance back up to mine.

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