Part 13

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The last couple of day were a blur to me. I did nothing, and when i say nothing i mean nothing. Jake was pretty cool with it too, he didn't protest too much for my need of take-out for a couple of days. 

I mostly tried to untangle my emotions that Harry had managed to tie into a large knot. I didn't know how i felt. I knew how i should feel, but i didn't feel that way. I had feelings for Harry, I just didn't want to let myself feel them. He had tried to call a couple of times in the past 4 days but i sent them all to voice mail. Maybe he got the memo that his stunt he pulled hurt.

"Pick that up." Jake said, nodding his head towards the tea mug i had placed on the floor. "I don't want you to kick it over by accident." My eyes fell to the red mug by my feet as i uncrossed my legs and bent down. My fingers cupped the hot side of it as i placed it onto the tablet.

I shrugged my shoulders and leaned back onto the couch again. "There." I muttered softly, drawing back my attention to the game Jake was watching. He nodded, not bothering to take his eyes off the screen. 

"What are you doing tonight." Jake asked, leaning back on the couch across from me. He reached his toned muscles above his head and stretched as he continued to watch the tv, not even bothering to look away as he spoke.

I shrugged my shoulders. "Staying here. Looks like there's an important game on that I don't want to miss."

His eyes peeled from the tv and fell on me. "You are staying here again?" He asked me. I wasn't aloud to stay in a few nights a week?

"Um, yeah. Not really in the mood to go out." I told him as he shook his head. His carmel hair stuck to his fingers as he ran a hand through his hair.

"Oh, I see what's going on." He said, letting a small smirk cross his lips. "You have your weekly thing."

My gaze narrowed. "Weekly thing? What?" I asked, crossing my arms over my chest as he smiled.

"Monthly, i don't know what girls call it. Your period." He said.

My jaw dropped as i gazed over at him. "You asshole!" I shouted, trying my best not to smile as i chucked a pillow at him. "I do not have my period! I just want to stay home!" 

He began to laugh as he shook his head and clutched the pillow i had just thrown tightly between his hands. "My bad then."

I rolled my eyes and sighed as i turned back towards the tv. Did I really need to be on my period if i wanted to stay home for a couple of nights?

A soft knock on the door snapped me out of my small debate i was having in my mind. Jake's eyes glanced in back of him as he sighed and tugged himself off of the couch. I watched him sulk towards the door as he gasped.

"What is it?" I asked, trying my best to look into the hall. No, it wasn't Harry was it? 

Purple  hair peaked it's way into the door to smile over at me. Jake's eyes were still glued on Perrie as i rolled my eyes. Right, he had a huge crush on her.

I pulled myself off the couch and walked over towards the two of them. "Hey Perrie, what's up?" I asked, giving her a small grin as i tucked my hair behind my ear.

She raised an eyebrow as she folded her arms tightly over her chest. "What's up?" She asked angrily, shaking her head as she gazed at me. "I think the real question is what's up with you! You have been M.I.A. for four days! Do you know how hard it was for me to find your friends house?" She asked, turning towards Jake to give him a small smile.

"Jake. I'm Jake." He stuttered.

"You're friend Jake's house!" She corrected herself.

I rolled my eyes as i opened the door wider to let her in. She stepped in quickly as i closed the door behind her. Why was everyone making such a big deal about me wanting to stay home for a few days? It's not like I went and killed someone.

"I was just hanging back here." I began, "Didn't really feel like going out." I shrugged my shoulders.

She glared at me. "Bullshit! What did Harry do?" Jake's body tensed next to her as he watched both of us. I didn't want to talk about Harry in front of him.

"How about we go into the kitchen." I said, grasping the fabric on her elbow lightly as i began to tug. "I'll make us some tea while Jake goes back to his game."

Jake gazed over at me wide eyed as he processed what i had just said. I knew that since Perrie was here he wasn't going to want to go back to his game. But at the same time, every time i mention Harry he always explodes with negative comments and anger.

I didn't stick around to wait for him to answer. Perrie and I were already in the other room when she finally said something again. "So tell me now."

I sighed as i grabbed the kettle and brought it to the sink. I stood there, my back turned to her, as i let it begin to fill up. "Why can't i just stay home for a couple of days?"

She didn't hesitate at all. "Well, many reasons I can think of!" She began, pulling a seat at the table out and sitting down. "First, when have you ever wanted to stay home. Lauren your a party animal. Second, you would have at least texted me. I didn't get any text back. Third, Zayn said that Harry was upset about something. I figured it had to do with you."

I shifted as i turned the water off and walked towards the stove. I turned the heat on medium and placed the kettle on it as i turned my attention back towards her.

"I just needed some time to think." I replied quietly.

Her light eyes studied mine as i pulled the seat across from her out so i could sit. "What did Harry do?"

I hesitated. "I was out to tea with Max and Jake and Harry showed up." She nodded for me to continue. "He made a huge scene out of it and practically shouted at Max and accused him of having an affair with me. Max said it was just because Harry was jealous but i don't know. It's not like that anymore, we aren't dating anymore."

Perrie tried her best to hide her grin. "Babe, it is jealousy." She said simply.

" Why do you think that?" I asked.

She let out a loud sigh as she hesitated for a moment. "I don't know Lauren, I see the way he looks at you. You two were in love. He loved you so much, and he still does. He still looks at you the same way that he used to." She told me.

I sat silently for a moment. I didn't know what to say. A part of me wanted to tell her she was wrong, but another part of me didn't know if she was. 

I shifted in my seat as the sound of my phone caught my attention. I glanced over towards my bag on the table as i began to fish my phone out. Great, of course it was Harry.

"It's Harry." I told her, clutching my phone tightly in my hand as she nodded.

"Answer it."

I hesitated, glancing down at my phone again and then back towards her. He desereved some sorft of response from me. "What?" I asked.

"Hey baby!" Harry's voice rang loudly in my ear.

I didn't answer.

"Lauren, babe. Are you coming home soon?" His husky voice asked me. I blinked over at Perrie as she tilted her head to the left questioningly.

"Are you drunk?" I asked him.

He grimaced. "Babe, your brother's standing right next to me. I told him you went out for a bit but we want you to come back now!" His voice informed me.

Shit. My brother was back at the house. "I'll be right there." I replied, quickly hanging up as my eyes grew wide. This was not going to be good.

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