Part 20

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I woke with a jolt as a bird landed on the window pain. My head was spinning and aching, and I had no recollection of what happened last night, let alone what bed I was laying in..My hands drifted over the satin sheets as my eyes instantly snapped open as I stared at the white ceiling. These weren't Jake's sheets.

My eyes shifted towards the side as my blurry vision came into focus, allowing myself to place Harry's bedroom.

"You are fucking kidding me right?" I spoke to myself as I quickly sat up. My head instantly spun, blurring my vision again as my right hand reached up to grasp it.

I sat there for a moment, eyes closed as I tried to calm my head and think about how on earth I had got here last night. The last thing I remembered was going to the pub with Niall and his friends and have a few shots, then, nothing else. Nada, Zip, absolutely blank. It wasn't like me to get very drunk to the point I can't remember anything, but a part of me wasn't all that surprised.

I wanted to forget my issues with banging into that fan and my feelings for Harry that have started to blossom again, so overall, clearly wasn't the best choice.

I wiggled around a bit as my butt slid against the satin sheets. I gasped as I quickly tugged the blankets off.

"Douche bag!" I whispered to myself as I peered down. I was only wearing a black tee-shirt and my thong from last night which clearly meant someone had changed me unless I changed at the pub? Or maybe I changed after Harry and I got a little....

I shook the thought out of my head as my brain started to pound again. I really was not in the mood to be hungover and stuck in Harry's bed without having any clue of how I got here. He hadn't come to the club, had I called him?

My cheeks burned as I climbed out of the bed much slower than when I first realized where I was. I bent down slowly, trying my best to ignore the soreness in my muscles as pick gathered my jeans and shirt and rose to my feet again.

I walked towards the door and stood there silently for a couple of moments. I didn't hear anything. Maybe Harry had gone out and left me here to sleep. This seemed like a perfect time to escape.

I slowly tugged on the door as I began to creep towards the door. The heels of my feel lightly pressed into the wooden frame of the floor. Everything was silent, leaving my feet the only noise.

"Where are you going?" Harry's voice called out to me, causing me to jump a bit. 

My eyes trailed to my side to see him sitting on the couch with a book in his hand. "I um," I hesitated for a moment as a pain shot through my head again. "I'm going home." I muttered quietly.

The corner of his lip curved into a smirk as he glanced towards me. "This is your home last time I checked."

My cheeks burned again as I shuffled my clothes into one hand so I could run the other through my hair. "Then I'm going back to Jake's." I replied softly as he smirked.

He lowered his book as his eyes studied me silently. "Why is that?" He questioned.

I wasn't really in the mood to play games with him, I just wanted a nice up of tea and to crawl onto the couch and watch a good movie. "Because I don't know how I got here!" I snapped loudly as the smile whipped off his pretty face. "Bye." I muttered as I turned to make my way towards the door.

My grasped the door and tugged it open as I heard him laugh lightly. "Ah, Lauren?" My head snapped slowly back towards him as my vision blurred lightly. "You aren't wearing any pants." He informed me with a cheeky grin.

I gasped as my eyes trailed down, he was right. I had forgotten to put on some pants in my rush to leave. 

I quickly dropped my other clothing so I was just holding my jeans, lowering them to my hip and sticking each leg in. "There," I snapped as his eyes filled with amusement. The fact that he found this funny was really getting to me. Either that or the headache...

I turned to gather my clothes as I heard Harry stand. "Lauren wait, I know how you got here.'" He told me softly. My eyes scanned him, standing in front of the couch as he looked at me. "I got a text from Niall saying he was out with his friends and you. I didn't like the sound of it so I stopped by." He admitted, running a hand through his hair. "When I got there, you were very very wasted. So I brought you here. I didn't bring you back to your friends because I knew he wouldn't want me in his place so I didn't know where else to go."

I stood there quietly as i looked at him. He was right, Jake wouldn't have wanted Harry anywhere near me or his place. "We didn't do anything I promise, Just got you changed and you went to bed." He continued as I nodded.

That made me feel better, knowing that he didn't take advantage of me or that I didn't ask him to. Maybe Harry really was trying hard to get me back. "Alright." I muttered softly as he hesitated.

He slowly walked towards me as he shoved his hands into his pockets. "Do you want to stay for a bit?" He asked as his green gaze poured into mine. "I can make you some tea." He mumbled softly, knowing that would easily grab my attention.

I knew that I shouldn't stay, every thought in my mind was telling me that I shouldn't, he really hurt me and I shouldn't even begin to give him a chance to win me back...even though he already was.

"Sure," I replied softly as his face beamed down at me. 

He extended his hand towards mine. I glanced down at it, not really allowing that he wanted my hand to click in my mind. But after a couple of seconds I gave in, allowing his large, warm hand to engulf mine as he slowly began to drag me towards the kitchen.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2013 ⏰

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