Part 17

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The girls red curls crowded her gaze as she walked over to me. "Oh my god it's you!" She squealed as she made her hands into tight fists next to her side. Her smile widened as I smiled back.

I licked my bottom lip as I continued to grin. "I'm Lauren yes!" I said with a small chuckle as I shifted my weight onto my right foot. I didn't have time to stand here with another girl who would probably ask me to get Harry to follow her on twitter. Everything was about Harry, it was always about Harry.

"I'm such a big fan of yours!" She said with a smirk as she pushed her mangled red locks off of her shoulder. 

This comment took me a bit by surprise. None of his fans have ever told me that they were a fan of mine. Sure they loved Harry and I together, but never have they told me specifically that they were a fan of mine.

I blushed a bit. "Of me?"

She nodded viciously. "Oh yes! Ever since you two were first spotted out that night!" She said loudly as she swayed a bit from foot to foot. I knew you were the one!"

I glanced around the empty streets as her voice echoed through the silence. "Well we weren't really dating yet." I admitted as my mind tried it's best not to think back to the night she was talking about.

It had frightened me at first when we were mobbed with flashing lights. All he had asked was to walk me home, and then the next day their were rumors and articles spread across about how we were dating. I had no idea that we would end up dating, but it still made me nervous then.

She shook her head. "No, doesn't matter if you were." She said, "I still knew you were the one."

I crossed my arms with a smile as I tried to understand her words. "The one?" 

She shook her head. "Oh yes, the one." She looked me up and down as her smile faded. "Are you alright? I've noticed from pictures you have been looking tireder and more worked down!" She said as the smile quickly returned to her face.

I blinked a couple of times as I tried to decided if that comment was rude, or completely true. "I've just had a ton of school work to do." I lied. I knew perfectly well that I have been acting odd because I have been trying to decipher my feelings for Harry. "But what do you mean the one?"

She paused for a moment as her mind drifted back. "Oh!" She said as the smile appeared again. "The one who changed his life!"

I hadn't expected her to say that at all. Maybe the one who managed to not also be famous, but never in a million years had I expected her to say that.

I was a bit surprised as I gaped down at her. "What do you mean?"

I could tell by the grin on her face she found my amazement funny. She tugged on her brown scarf as she smiled. "You really haven't realized?" I shook my head. "He is so different Lauren. You managed to make him a good man." She told me as I tilted my head to the left.

"He had always been good." I replied.

She hesitated for a moment. "Yes, but you are the one who actually managed to show him what love really is. Sure, he claims to have tried to find that in other girls, but the way that he looks at you  makes it so obvious that you are his first and only true love."

That couldn't be true. He had dated models and superstars....surely a regular girl like me couldn't have been the one to truly make him see what true love was.

She continued due to my silence. "The way his eyes follow you is adorable. They linger and everytime he is with you or looking at you he is smiling. You seriously haven't noticed how much he loves you?" She asked me.

I hesitated as I thought about that. Sure, he used to look at me like that, but ever since our break up surly he hadn't..right? It wasn't the same now, he might have loved me before but it can't be the same anymore.

"Look," She said as she reached into her pocket and fished out her phone. I stood there silently as she lifted it towards me.

On the screen was a picture of me and the three girls I had met at the charity the first day that Harry and I had started this agreement. My eyes wondered to the background as I noticed Harry and the boys talking, but instead of paying attention to his friends, his eyes were on me playing with the three girls, a large smile spread across his face.

"Do you see what I mean?" She asked me as I let my lips curve into a smirk. He looked so cute and happy then. But it couldn't be because of me, maybe the kids. He couldn't feel that way anymore.

My eyes flew up to her blue ones as I smiled. "I have to go to class. Do you want me to get Harry to follow you on twitter?" I asked her as she looked up at me confused.

She shook her head. "No, I don't have a twitter." She hesitated for a moment. "But will you take a picture with me?"

I grinned as a warm feeling rose to my stomach. This girl liked me, not the me that helped girls get to Harry.

The girl lifted her phone as I wrapped my arm around her shoulder lightly. The camera flashed and she pulled it away with a small squeal. "Oh my god you look gorgeous as always." She said which caused me to laugh.

I ran a hand through my hair as I took a couple of steps back. "I have to go! But it was very nice to meet you!" I said as she peaked up from the picture with a grin.

She waved her hand with a large smirk. "It was so nice to meet you Lauren!" She said as she turned to walk the opposite way.

I frowned as I began to make my way towards the coffee shop again. The girl had like me because of me, not the me that was categorized as Harry Style's girlfriend, and something about that gave me a warm feeling in my stomach. But at the same time, I was a bit nauseous. She made me think about my feelings for Harry and how I still had them...and thanks to her, now I had it stuck in my mind that maybe he had feelings for me still too.

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