Part 12

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I softly ran my fingertips over my damp cheek as i turned my attention off of the door in front of me finally. A few people seated near the door were watching me, along with my friends. It was stupid of Harry to come here and throw such a tantrum, let alone come here and hurt me that badly.

I couldn't help but feel completely torn apart. Harry had already managed to break my heart miserably, and now here he was, breaking it even more, taking all my self respect and dignity with it. I couldn't believe he had just accused Max of such a thing. Especially after i had denied it so many times.

I let out a low sigh as I began to make my way towards the table. I tugged the chair out and slid in as i rested my elbows on the table, burying my face in my hands as i shook my head.

"I'm so sorry guys." I began as i peaked up at them. Shock and confusion filled both of their  blank stares. Neither of them really knew what just happened, but from the look on Jake's face he was not happy at all. "He can be a dick sometimes." I directed towards Max, causing him to ease a bit as he smiled.

"Um, you think?" Jake said angrily, catching my attention. I turned to look at him as he shook his head. "I don't know why you are still with the prick." He stated, causing me to feel a small pain in my chest. Yes Harry fucks up, but i am the only one who get's to ever say anything like that.

I gave a stare to Jake as Max cut in. "I don't think he is a dick, just protective of his girlfriend." Max stated, lifting his coffee and taking a sip.

My head quickly snapped towards him. After what Harry had accused him of and how rude Harry had been, how could Max's not think that he was a prick?

I shook my head confused. "You don't understand. It's more than that." I told Max as he raised an eyebrow.

"Try me." He stated, causing me to wiggle in my seat a bit.

There was no way that i was going to tell Max all of it, but maybe Max was able to understand Harry's mind a bit better than i could. I wasn't able to understand it at all.

Max continued after my silence. "Did Harry know that you were coming out with two guys today?" Max asked me as i shook my head. "And he also didn't know us, that could have frightened him a bit." He continued.

In reality Harry did know Max, well he thought he knew Max. "Harry acts up. When we get in a fight he always does something ten times worse just to make me feel bad." I told him, flashing back to the night I had seen him with that girl.

Max fell silent as he thought about this one, twirling the cup in his hand as he thought. I wanted to pour my heart out to Max and tell him everything. A part of me knew he would have an answer for Harry's actions, even if i told him everything that was happening.

"So if you do something wrong, he acts up and trys to make you feel bad about it?" Max asked me.

"Kind of, well if he thought i did something wrong, he would go behind my back to do the thing to me he thought i did." I told him, knowing that most of my words didn't make sense.

"Oh, that's easy Lauren. He's protective and jealous." I blinked over at Max as i thought about that.

"What do you mean?" His dark eyes studied me for a moment as he proccessed my words.

"I mean, he is this big pop icon right?" Max said, waiting for me to nod. "He loves you, but at the same time he doesn't want to lose you. He is worried that he won't do a good enough job trying to make you happy." He told me, pausing to look at me. "He thinks its easier to put up a wall and hide behind it rather than to let you know you hurt him. Are you the first serious girlfriend he has had?" Max asked.

I thought about that. Harry had flings and small romances, but i was the longest relationship he has had. I am the first girl he had moved in with.

"Yes i am." I told Max. Jake let out a sarcastic laugh but i ignored him, paying attention to what Max was telling me.

"Yes, then he is scared of letting you in. He has, he loves you. But that is just a step Lauren. The next step is trusting you with his heart. He doesn't want you to break it. That is why he may hurt you sometimes." Max told me, gesturing to the empty seat Harry had been sitting in. "Like the little show he put on today."

I raised an eyebrow confused. "What about it?"

Max sighed before he continued. "He did that to show you are his. You might not be able to notice that, but we can. He is scared to find you here with two other guys. Not knowing us is even worse. He could think you are cheating on him."

Max's words hit hard as i thought about that. Harry hadn't known Max, just that he was my teacher and my friend. He had jumped to conclusions that i was cheating on him and therefore stepped out of line by bringing that girl home. He wanted me to feel the pain that he felt, he wanted me to know that i was hurting him.

Maybe Max was right. Maybe Harry had just been scared of losing me and scared to trust me. He jumped to ever possible point that would try to prove I wasn't trust worthy.

"That's bullshit." Jake chimed in, causing Max and i both to glance towards him. "Sorry Max but it is. Harry is a dick."

Max shrugged his shoulders as he turned towards me again. "I don't know Lauren. I went to school to study human behavior and things like that. I wouldn't give up on him if i were you. He loves you and you love him. You just might have to dig a bit deeper to prove to him that your love is real."

I knew Max was right, maybe I was scaring Harry away. He had told me before that never had he felt like this about a girl before. Maybe he really was just scared to fully let me in. Never before had i given him a chance to question my trust, so he never had to. But right when he found out that i was friends with Max, he jumped to conclusions.

I nodded as i sent Max a thankful smirk. "Thanks Max, that actually makes a lot of sense to me." I told him as Jake rolled his eyes.

I know Jake doesn't like Harry, but what was with his attitude? I wasn't aloud to try to understand someone that I love? I bit my tongue as the thought scanned my mind. I don't love Harry. No, he lost that.

Harry had messed up. Even though Max had made it seem a little more understandable, it didn't change anything. Harry's actions still hurt and there wasn't anything that could change that. Maybe he didn't trust me, but he should have. That was the whole aspect of our relationship; trust and love. If he didn't trust me and decided to try to make me feel the pain that he thought i was bestowing on him, how was our relationship going to work. No, it's not.

My eyes began to water lightly as i glanced towards Max and Jake. They were talking again about baseball. I wiped the corner of my eyes as i tried to listen. I couldn't think about Harry right now. Not anymore.

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