Part 11

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My eyes blinked up at Harry questioningly. A sly smile spread across his pink lips as he dug his hands into his jean pockets and made his way towards us. What the fuck was he doing here? My heart began to beat heavier and heavier with ever step he took close towards us.

I cleared my throat softly and turned back to my friends before they could even see Harry. "Would you guys excuse me for a moment?" I interrupted Max as i quickly pushed my seat out. Both of them turned to follow my eyes as Harry stopped next to the table.

Jake's eyes narrowed as Harry looked between them. He opened his mouth to greet them but quickly stopped under my touch. My small hand grasped his firm arm as i tugged him back towards the front of the shop. His long leg fumbled as i dragged him. He didn't put up too much resistance, letting me pull him away as if that was what he had wanted.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" I asked him, crossing my arms and glancing back towards Jake and Max. They were both looking at us.

Harry raised an eyebrow playfully as he shrugged his shoulders. "I was on campus and decided to stop and get a cup of tea at your favorite coffee shop. I had no clue that you would be here." He said, turning his attention back to Jake and Max. They were both still staring at  us. "Who are they?" Harry asked, clenching his jaw tightly.

My eyes studied him for a moment, letting me take in his expression as i stood surprised. If i wasn't so angry with him, i would have almost said that i could sense a bit of jealousy in his statement. But then again we weren't dating anymore so he had no reason to be jealous.

 "My friends." I stated blankly, studying his face as he continued to stare at them, not even bothering to look at me. "Why are you here Harry?" I asked again. My mind drifted back to the conversation we had last had in his apartment the other day ago. He was so sweet in the beginning, but his mood quickly turned bitter.

His now angry eyes glanced down at me as he shook his head lightly. "I already told you." His husky voice stated as he motioned his head towards the table. "Is the one with the glasses your teacher?" He asked, his whole body tensing with rage.

I shifted my weight onto my left side as i stared up at him. I wasn't going to give into his tantrum, not this time. His green eyes flickered down to meet mine again as he reached for my hand. My eyes widened as i let a small gasp escape my mouth. He slowly began to walk towards the table, dragging me by the hand with him. I wasn't putting up too much of a fight though, i was too shocked to put up a fight.

"What are you doing?" I asked him nervously as he faked a smile. 

Anger was still written all over his emotions but something told me i was the only one who could tell. After all, i was the only one who knew him that well. "I want to meet your friends." He stated confidently, stopping next to the table.

My eyes filled with worry as he reached behind him and snagged a chair from an empty table. The bottom of the chair made a terrible noise as Jake, Max, and I all watched him. I couldn't even try to hid the horror displayed across my face. It was too confusing for me to even begin to hid it. What was he going to do?

He took a seat and folded his hands on top of the table, smiling over at my friends. "Hello, I'm Harry." He said, meeting my concerned eyes. "I'm Laurens boyfriend." He said, eyeing Max suspiciously as Jake let out a snort.

The boys were quiet for a moment as i continued to stand there. They both glanced towards me. It took me a couple of seconds to realize that i was the only one acting up right now. To them, i looked like i had just seen a terrible murder right before my eyes. But Harry...Harry was acting completely normal and friendly...for now.

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