Part 16

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The next morning I woke up a bit confused. I wasn't too sure where i was at first, so waking up in the silk blue sheets caught me off guard. I turned onto my stomach as I lifted my head to glance around, trying to calm my heart rate. After a couple of seconds, last night replayed in my mind.

"Oh," I muttered to myself as I stretched out and slowly began to tug the blankets off of my body. The apartment was silent which either meant that Harry already left, or he was still fast asleep.

I reached down to pull my shoes back on as I walked over to the mirror and peered in. My hair looked like a birds nest, tangled and disheveled. 

"Gorgeous." I muttered to myself under my breath as I peered around the dresser that we used to share. A black hair brush was placed in a small black bag. I reached for the brush and carefully ran it through my hair.

As i tugged it out of my knotty mess, the aroma of Harry's hair filled me with pure delirium. His musky, cologne scent lingered everywhere around here, and especially from the brush that he obviously ran through his hair every day. 

But I didn't want to think about it, I couldn't anymore. Placed it back where I had found it and reached for my bag before I took a couple of quiet steps towards the bedroom door. 

My hand tightly gripped the metal knob as I slowly turned it. If Harry was sleeping still, I wanted to slip out before he woke up and saw me. The door creaked every time I tugged it a bit further open, until it was just enough room for me to slip through. I decided against closing it behind me, in case that woke him up.

As I tiptoed towards the living room, soft snoring became louder and louder, until I saw Harry curled up on the couch. His long legs were rested on the side as his feet dangled off the edge. I couldn't help but grin at him, he always looked so cute when he was sleeping. His head was buried deep into the crook of his arm, his curls nearly as messy as my hair had been. A blanket hugged his hips to reveal his tattooed chest and arms.

I let myself study his perfect figure for a couple of seconds before I reluctantly pried my eyes from him and continued towards the door. I slipped out easier than I had from his bedroom, this door not making any noise in the process, I made sure of it.

Jake's car waited out front for me as I pulled the keys out of my bag and got in. I sat there for a moment as I took a deep breath. Last night had been horrible and confusing. Derek had showed up, leaving me to lie and hide what was really going on between Harry and I. Well, at least I think so because I'm still not entirely sure what is going on between Harry and I. He is so moody. One second he will be embarrassing me in front of my good friends, and then the next minute he will be gently stroking my side and asking If I miss him.

The truth was, I did miss him, but I wasn't going to give him, no matter how hard he pushed. He hurt me and that was it, no second chances...right?

I shook the thought out of my head as I pulled out onto the road. I didn't need to think about Harry every second of my life, it wasn't fair for me. I had other things to do, and unlike many people say, I wasn't seeking fame from him. I wanted my own life too, I wanted to open a small coffee shop and have my own life, not follow in his glory. I think that was also one of the reasons why I was so reluctant to fall back into his arms. When we broke up, I realised that I was my own person, even if his fame clouded me sometimes, I didn't want to be engulfed head first in the glory. I wanted to be known for me, not for my boyfriend...ex-boyfriend.

It was still a bit early, and when I pulled into Jake's driveway, I wasn't sure if he was going to be awake. Seeing as it was 12:30, he probably would be.. but still, sometimes he slept in just like every other guy in the world, just like Harry.

I quietly unlocked the door and was greeted by the strong sent of freshly brewed coffee. I smiled a bit as I closed the door behind me and made my way into the kitchen. Jake stood there, pouring himself a cup as bacon sizzled on the stove.

I leaned against the door frame. "Hey." I muttered as his brown eyes gazed towards me and then back towards his cup.

He placed the pot down and began to mix in some cream. "There you are, I was wondering if you died or not." He teased, smiling down at his cup of coffee.

I rolled my eyes as I crossed my arms. "Yep, totally dead." I teased back. "How were things with Perrie?" I asked him.

He took a sip as he nodded. "She's so hot Lauren." He said as I laughed. "But she left a bit after you did. She said it was nice of me to let you crash here while you got your life..." He paused for the right word. "Situated." 

I nodded in agreement as I pushed my hair out of my eyes. "Yes, it was very nice of you to let me stay here." I said as he smirked.

"Oh I know." He paused as he placed his cup down and walked over towards the stove to steal a piece of the bacon. "So, you and Harry?"

I raised my eyebrow confused. "Me and Harry what?"

He hesitated. "You two are getting back together huh?" He said as he continued to chew on the bacon.

I closed my mouth tightly as I thought about that for a moment. "No." I muttered softly.

He smiled as he looked away. "You hesitated."

I felt my eyebrows push together as I shook my head. "No I didn't." I tested.

He stared at me for a moment before picking up another piece and taking a bite. "I care about you Lauren, I don't want you to get hurt again. Do you already forget how destroyed you where when he first dumped you." He paused, "Well, technically cheated on you." I grimanced at his words.

I clenched my jaw. I remembered that way too well. "Yes, I remember."

He studied my firm gaze. "I don't want you to get hurt Lauren. It hurts me to see you hurt." He confessed as my gaze suddenly softened. Jake was just looking out for me and I knew that, but still, I didn't want him giving me his input on Harry every chance that he could.

"I wont get hurt." I told him as he picked up two more pieces of bacon and also gripped his cup in the other hand. 

He nodded. "I hope not." He said. "We have class soon. I'm going to head to campus, want a lift?" He asked as I shook my head.

I uncrossed my arms and adjusted my shirt a bit. "No, I'm going to go down to the coffee shop first, I'll meet you there." I told him as he studied me for a minute. 

I knew he thought his words had hurt me, and truthfully they had, even if he didn't mean for them to. I didn't want to think back to how hurt Harry had left me, but now that was all I could think about. My mind began to tug me back to the saddest week of my life as I turned to look down at the floor.

"Alright, I'll see you there." He said as he waited for a second before walking towards the door.

I stood there for a couple of seconds after he left, begging myself not to cry. I couldn't cry, no I wouldn't. I quickly went back into Jake's room and changed my shirt and threw on some jeans before I headed back out. I slowly began to walk down the street, I had about an hour before class. Jake always wanted to be early to catch up with Max about god knows what, probably football.

I turned the corner near the coffee shop before a small squeal from behind me made me freeze. "Lauren?" I heard my name as I turned towards a brunette girl. She looked about 16 or 17, and by the grin on her face, I knew right away that she was one of Harry's fans. Great, just what I wanted right now, to be wrapped up in his fame.

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