Part 19

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I pushed my way through the crowd as my eyes searched for Niall. I had gone back to Jake's to change into something more suitable for a club, and was now wearing a tight blue with a pair of black jeans.

My gaze finally fell on a laughing Niall as he took a sip of a pint in front of him. He was sitting at a booth with two other guys.  Niall's eyes fell on me as he waved his hands over his head. 

I laughed lightly as I walked over towards them. "Hello." I muttered softly as I slid into the booth next to Niall. 

The boys smiled at me as Niall wrapped his arm around me. "Boys, this is Lauren. She's one of my best friends back here in London." He said with a smirk as his elbow by accident knocked into the beer in front of him.

I could tell he was already a bit drunk. "Oh Niall has told us about you!" One of the boys said with a smirk as he lifted his beer and took a sip. "You're the girl he goes to for girl advice!" He said with a smile as his eyes fell on Niall. 

I laughed lightly as I nodded and took a sip of the pint in front of Niall. "Yep that's me!" I said with a soft laugh as Niall removed is arm from around me and viciously snatched his drink from my hand.

He shook his finger at me as he lifted the drink towards his lips. "Mine." He muttered softly as we all laughed.

"I'm Sean and this is Scott." One of the boys said as I nodded and waved. 

"Nice to meet you two." I said as my eyes scanned the busy pub. "Now how about we get some rounds of shots and have a good time?" I asked as I raised an eyebrow. 

About an hour later I sat there with at least 8 rounds of empty shot glasses in front of me, completely waisted. My head rested against Niall's shoulder as we all laughed at something Sean had said.

"Niall, thank you for inviting me." I drunkenly murmured as I turned to look up at him. My hand reached out to pat his shoulder firmly as I squinted my eyes. "You are such a good friend." I whined as he frowned.

He shook his head as he pointed towards me. "No you are! You are always here for me when I need you Lauren!" He slurred in his very Irish accent.

"Aw!" I said as I felt my eyes begin to water. I let out a loud laugh as both Sean and Scott joined into my fit of laughter.

After a couple of seconds, Niall did too, as we all sat there very drunk and giggling. "I pointed towards Scott and Sean as I grinned. "You guys are awesome." I told them as they smiled. "We should totally do this very since night." I said as Niall gasped and nodded.

"Yeah!" He replied as he gazed at me with wide eyes. "You guys can like just sleep on my couch and we could come here every since night!" Niall said which caused me.

I nodded my head in agreement. "Yeah totally!! But Harry isn't invited." I told them as I shook my head. "He's a dick!" I said as I began to giggle again.

"Lauren? Niall?" A husky voice said from behind me as my eyes blinked up at Harry. He stood there confused as he gazed at the four of us.

"Whoa! How did you do that?" I asked excitedly as I turned towards Niall. Niall's face looked just as excited as mine as his laugh echoed over us.

"It's magic!" Niall replied as we both began to laugh uncontrollably.

Harry sighed as his hands gently tugged me out of the booth to stand in front of him. I fought his hold as he pressed my back to his chest. "Hey! What are you doing!" I shouted at him but he ignored it.

"Niall, I will be right back to make sure you guys have a safe ride home." He told his friend as Niall nodded and waved to me.

"Bye Lauren! See you tomorrow!" Niall said through his laughter as Scott and Sean also waved.

I frowned as I glanced towards the three of them. "See, He's a dick." I told Scott and Sean as they began to laugh.

I felt myself begin to be pulled through the crowd but I didn't stop him. I knew If I was to walk on my own I would fall on my face.

"I don't want to leave!" I complained once we had stepped into the warm night air. "I was having a good time!" I whined as he smiled down at me. 

I whipped myself from his grip as his green eyes peered down at me. I crossed my arms tightly over my chest as I pouted. "I noticed." He said, flashing his white grin as I felt my heart skip a bit. He extended his hand towards me. "Come on, let's get you home." He muttered gently as I took his hand.

He led me towards his car and opened the door for me. I slid into it as I pressed my back firmly against the seat and looked at him. He leaned into the car and watched me buckle up. "Will you be alright here for a moment? I need to talk to the owner and make sure Niall and his friends get home safely." He told me.

I raised an eyebrow as I looked away. "No, I'll run away." I said with a small smirk as he studied me for a second. 

He closed the door and pressed a button on his keys, locking me in the car as he walked away. My hand searched for the trigger as I pulled on the locked handle. "Hey!" I shouted against the glass as I watched him disappear into the building again.

I frowned as I turned towards the front of the car and pouted.Harry was such a buzz kill when It came to me, always had been. I let my eyes droop closed as I waited for Harry.

After a couple of minutes, he tugged the door next to me open and slid in. My head snapped towards him as I squinted my eyes open again. He glanced at me for a moment as he smiled, turning the car on and quickly pulling away.

My eyes grew heavier and heavier the farther away he drove "I'm tired." I muttered softly to him as he nodded.

His hand slid down the steering wheel as he glanced at me from the corner of his eye. "I know you are babe, It's nearly two in the morning." He told me, but the information was out of my mind as quickly as it had entered it.

My nearly closed eyes glanced towards him. He was wearing a white tee-shirt with a black pair of jeans, the usual. "You look hot." I muttered softly as his lips curved into a smirk.

He didn't respond to me, so I slowly drifted to sleep. After a bit longer, I felt myself being pulled into his arms. I groaned as I wrapped my arms around his neck and opened my eyes a bit. 

He smiled down at me as he continued to walk. "Sorry love, didn't mean to wake you." He told me as I closed my eyes again and pressed myself closer to him.

His grip on me tightened as He shifted his elbow up to turn on the light of his bedroom. I groaned again as he laughed and placed me onto his bed. "I don't want to wear this." I muttered as I turned to bury my face in the blanket.

I heard him shuffle around his room before his hands pressed to my waist. My tired eyes fell on him. "Let me help you." He told me as he carefully assist me with removing my shirt. 

He reached down to lift the grey shirt he had taken out over my head. He pulled it down over my stomach and unbuttoned my pants for me. "I don't want to wear pants." I told him as a smile spread across his lips again. 

His hand gripped my foot as he slid the pants off of them. After he had thrown my pants onto the floor, he moved to the top of his bed to pull the blanket down. "Climb in baby." He told me as i groaned again and pulled myself up against the pillow.

He pressed the blanket protectively around me as I closed my eyes again and snuggled closer towards the bed. 

He bent down to press his soft lips gently against my forehead as I smiled. "Goodnight my precious Lauren." He told me, gently allowing his fingertips to move the hair away from my forehead. 

He carefully climbed off of the bed and flickered the light off. "I love you." He whispered to himself as I drifted to sleep, both of us fully aware that I wouldn't remember any of this in the morning.

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