Chapter 9: Vinne G. ~ Anne's Pov

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Written by: Anne-Sophie Nijssen (Anne-So7979)

"Not you. Tobey Maguire's Peter Parker!" I pointed as we all laughed at Tom's cocky comment while he had a straight face.

"I think it's sweet how passionate you are about your work." Sam said as he wrapped his arms around me, hugging me from behind. I blushed as Kia and Tom walked away, leaving me with Sam.

"Ummm... Sam?" I said as I saw him holding a bag while still hugging me.


"What's that in the bag?" I asked as I turned my head to look at him.

"It's... ummm... it's for you... it's a present. Here...", he awkwardly said as he walked back in front of me and handed me the bag.

"Why would you give me a present?" I asked as I felt tears fill my eyes. I wasn't used to that kind of love... if I'm honest, I had never really been in love, so I didn't know what it felt like to love and be loved.

"Well... we talked the other night about all kinds of things, but one thing caught my attention... and I couldn't get it out of my head. So I decided to... do... this! For you!" He said nervously as he pointed to the present. "Now come on! Open it!" He said with a huge smile.

As I opened the bag, I could see all my favourite desserts. All chocolate of course! I was speechless! He had cooked all of these for me! My emotions took the best of me as I jumped into Sam's arms and wrapped my legs around him, making him hold me by the thighs.

"Thank you so much! Thank you!" I said as he was spinning me.

"It was my pleas-" started Sam before I cut him off with a passionate kiss. I immediately jumped down and backed away, embarrassed of what I had just done:

" I'm so sorry I didn't mean t-" I blabbered out before Sam interrupted with a tender kiss. His soft touch sent shivers down my back and filled my body with butterflies.

"Hi..." I said blushing as my arms were still locked around his neck.

" Hi love..."

" Ok I need to get myself a girlfriend! You four are making me sick!" Harry said as he walked away with Tessa.

" No one has ever cooked for me. Or even given me a present like that... this really means a lot to me." I said as I looked deep into Sam's eyes.

"Hey... I really... I really care about you. And I just want to see you happy. Please don't cry... I didn't mean to make you cry! I -" said Sam worried as he wiped the tears from my cheeks.

"No no no! These are happy tears... I... I really like you Sam... I... think that I'm..." I softly said as I was about to confess my love for him after one date! But I didn't care. It felt right. I mean, it was as if when we were together, we would be in our own world. Proof: I hadn't even noticed that Kia had left Tom and went inside her trailer. "Sam... I think I'm in-" I started before getting interrupted by a car door closing.

"Anne!" Yelled Vincent as he waved at me.

"Vinnie!? What the hell are you doing here?" I smiled, but before I could hug him, Kia rushed out of her trailer and jumped into Vinnie's arms. Vinnie was the sweetest, strongest and gayest guy! I loved him so much! He had been best friends with Kianna for so long so obviously, him and I became good friends. He would always help me with my crazy exes. I would often talk to him about my difficulties instead of Kia, so wouldn't worry her.

As Kia was still in Vinnies arms, I couldn't help but notice smoke coming out of Tom's ears. I was laughing so hard on the inside. He was irrevocably jealous. I left Sam's arms and went to Tom with the sole purpose to convince him to not worry.

"Who's that?" He spat out as he kept his eyes on them.

"Don't get jealous... that's just her other best friend. Well... ok... they do act like more of a couple than friends sometimes..." I joked as I wanted to see Tom's reaction once he would learn that Vinnie was gay! I suddenly saw his eyes widen with rage as Kia pecked Vinnie's lips. I wanted to laugh so badly but I had to keep it together. His face would be priceless.

"If they're friends, why are they kissing!?" Asked Tom as he crossed his arms, clenching his jaw.

"THEY'RE FRIENDS THOMAS! They have known each other for many years and it's normal for them." I said as I shoved him a little to break the death stare he was giving to Vinnie as I smiled at him.

"I know but friends don't kiss!" Tom said as he pointed at them.

"My god..." I said as I walked back to Sam as I saw Kia heading Tom's way. I just wanted to see from afar Tom's reaction so I could laugh.

"Sam... come here! See how Tom is frustrated and his literally burning of jealousy?" I whispered to Sam with a huge smile.

"Yeah... but I mean... if someone was to do that with you I would probably be just as jealous. I mean, I wouldn't want some guy kissing you like you don't have a b-" Sam explained before stopping as he realized what he was about to say.

"Have a what...?" I asked with a smirk but quickly snapping out of our conversation as I saw Vinnie and Tom talking. "Wait! Look! Ok... ummm... fun fact: Vinnie's gay..." I whispered.

"What!?" Shouted Sam as he started laughing.

As we looked at Tom, Kia and Vinnie talk, we couldn't help but giggle at Tom's serious expression. When that expression quickly changed to a slightly surprised face which made Sam and I laugh. We walked away as we saw the three kept on talking.

"I don't know if I can spend the day with you today cause I got a lot of work but maybe tonight?" I said as I innocently smiled at him.

"Of course! How about we make it a double date with Kia and Tom and we could cook?" He asked as we stopped walking, and just looked at each other while we talked.

"I think that's a great idea! But let me ask Kia. I'll text you what she said ok? See you later Bud..." I said as I quickly kissed him and ran back to Kia's trailer, leaving Sam speechless and blushing as he looked at me running away.

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