Chapter 28: Toys

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Harrison and I sit and chat about places to go for our 'date'. It feels pretty awkward that I'm going on a date with Harrison, even thou I'm dating his beat mate. I honestly don't care, Harrison was a super nice and god attractive person. I hate seeing him upset even though we became extremely close over the months on knowing each other.

"I think we should go to the carnival." said Harrison as he sat next to me wrapping an arm around me handing me a glass of whiskey.

"Aren't we too old for a carnival?" I ask shifting my body to face him while I take a ship of the whisky. 

"NOPE!" He chuckles before tucking a hair behind my ear and kissing my lightly. At first I hesitate, knowing Spencer could burst into the room with Tom and second but what give. I peck his lips and pull away smiling.

"I'm sorry...Harrison...I don'-" I get cut off by the door opening causing us both to jump and pull away from one another.

"KIA!" yelled Spencer as he ran I to the room with a giant stuffed dog that looks like Tessa.

"Woah! Where you get that buddy?!" I say as I pick him up and get him on my lap kissing him a few times.

"Uncle Tommy got it! And we got ice creawm too!"

"Oh did he know?!" I look at Tom who is carrying Target bags into the door. "And what are those?" I stand up and walk over to the bags.

"TOYS!" yelled both Tom and Spencer at the same time.

"THOMAS! He's going home today...Wh-why?"

"Hey! I got him toys cause he wanted them. I wasn't going to be the evil uncle I am and not get him any! But hello anyways angel." He kisses my lips softy and I feel an instant guilt wash over my body knowing that about a few minutes I basically made out with Harrison. "Oh. Hey had when did you get here?" Asks Tom as he walked over to Spencer who is trying to open a toy truck.

"Oh I-I got here an hour ago asking if you were here and um..."

"He brought me flowers as a goodbye gift knowing that he was going home back to London soon." I say as I point to the flowers on the table.

"Tommy...." whined Spencer as he begged him to open his toy.

"They look nice. Ok bud let open you toys!" 

I let out a long sigh and look to Harrison who literally almost gave away the kiss. It's bad enough that we're going on a date but still.

"Ok well Harrison, I'm going to go get dressed and then we can go. Ok?" he nodded making Tom get confused.

"Where are you too going?" he asked as I walked away from the boys to retrieve to my room to change.

"She need to go out before her sister comes and you we're not home so she called me and I'm going to take her." Harrison said as he swallowed a nervous amount of saliva.

"Well, I can take her you don't-"

"No!" yelled both me and Spencer at the same time making us both giggle.

I walk out wearing leggings, A white sweater crop top and a red sweater. All the boy stare at me and I smile. "What?"


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"Your...just.." started Tom before he got cut off.

"BOOTIFUL!" yelled Spencer making us all laugh.

"Thank you baby." I bend down and kiss Spencer and Tom. "Call me if my sister shows up, please, if not he gonna stay another night."

"Alrighty, love you." Said Tom standing up and giving me a hug.

"Love you too babe. Love you Spencer!" I said as I started to walk out the door with Harrison.

"Love you!"

We walk out the door and sigh.

"Ready?" Asked Harrison as he guided his hand out for me to grab.

"Yea...I think so.." I smile and take his hand with builder but not showing. I'm going to refer this decision aren't I?

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