Chapter 23: Spencer Michael Woodcock

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Three weeks ago I was cut and bruised up and was laying in bed with my boyfriend talking about going somewhere together. And today was the day! Mine and Tom's first trip together to Bora Bora! I was finally healed up And bikini ready for hot weather and sexy times. I was finishing up packing before I had to head to set to put away my trailer because in three weeks from Saturday is the premier for our movie! I was so happy for this moment but also nervous but it was worth it. I zipped up my suitcase and rolled it to the door when it knocked. I looked threw the peephole and saw a familiar face. Anthony. My sister's boyfriend. Confused I opened the door and get lunged by my legs to see a little boy hugging my legs.

"Hi Kia!" He yelled before pulling away and running into the apartment.

"Hey Spenc- What are you guys doing here?" I asked before be ing handed three bag.

"I'm so sorry but I need you to watch him for two weeks. I'm planning on proposing to your sister and bora bora on vacation the next 2 weeks and I would really appreciate it and you would watch for me!" He said smiling when my face froze.

"Bora Bora? For two weeks?!?!" I laughed "Anthony, didn't Kendall tell you I'm going to Bora Bora today?!"

"Yes but we had this planned for months... I wanna large her please.." He begged. He never begged but knowing mg sister was getting engaged was more important than a trip I can take any other time during the year.

"Whatever have fun I have to go to set anyways. Call me." I said disappointed.

"Thank you! Your the best!" He said smiling before walking away from the door.

"Yep! CALL ME!" I closed the door to see my nephew on tears. "Baby what's wrong?" I bend down and wipe his tears.

"W-where Annie?" He said wiping his tears.

"Oh baby she's with her boyfriend were going there in a minute just let me change ok?" I stood up and took his hand and lead him to my room. "What should I wear little man?" I asked putting him in front of my closet to pick my outfit. It was something he always liked doing. He pulled out some Jean shorts and a black crop top shirt that read Mommy Vibes on it it was a dog mom shirt.

"This!" He threw the clothes at me and some high top converse.

"Ummm....Ok! Cover your eyes!" I said as he giggles and cover his eyes.

I changed and grabbed his things and we head out the door. He wanted to take the motorcycle but Anne wasn't here so we couldn't. So after a tantrum or two later I got him situated in the truck and we took off to set. I personally was nervous to wear a Mommy vibes shirt while having a three year old with me. I didn't want his exposed to the paparazzi so I had to make everything in my power to make sure he didn't get into it. It also made me nervous knowing Tom doesn't know about him yet. I kind of wanted to see his reaction when Spencer showed up unannounced. He kept taking about an me the whole car ride. They were literally best friends. If he didn't want to sleep in bed with me he would sleep with her. He loved Anne and everything she did even if it was stupid like reading a book he would get a book and do it with her just to be with her. I knew Anne would be excited to see him so I didn't tell her he was coming. When we pulled into set I saw the boys and Anne standing the middle of the lot. Tom had suitcases and everything near his trailer. It made me upset even more knowing we couldn't go. I turn to see Spencer asleep and slowly waking up. I knew he just flew here today so he was tired. I grab his backpack diaper back and slid it on and climb out of the truck. I wave to Tom who is staring at every motion I make. I smile and open the truck door pull out Spencer who starts to whine but smiles when he sees the back of Anne.

"ANNIE!" I let him go as he runs over to Anne. She turns around from the name and smiles big.

"Oh my goodness! THE BABY BOY IS HERE!" she releases herself form Sam's embrace and runs over to Spencer as he jumps into her arms. "I missed you Spencer!"

"I miss you!" He hugs her and kisses her on the lips as she giggles. Then the shyness began. He noticed Sam, Tom, and Harry were staring at him and starts to get upset and reaches for me. "Mama...." I laugh and take him it o my arms.

"M-mama?!!" Said Tom as I take him into my arms as Tom stands there is fear in his eyes.

"Baby it's Kia and yea..well he calls me mama cause I look like his mama. Everyone this is Spencer. My nephew." I set him down "Go say hi buddy." He shakes his head no so I bend down to his level as he hides behind me and whispers into my ear.

"Is that Spider-Man?" He asked looking into Tom's eyes with joy.

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