Chapter 22: Your Beautiful And Safe

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When she slapped me we both broke. I looked into her eyes with pain. The remorse that her eyes had told me everything. The tears falling from both of our eyes were painful. We never hit one another only playfully. Never violently pr out of anger. She was rocking on her heels when I painfully got up and pulled her into a hug.

"I-I'm so sorry..." I whined as we held each other tightly. "I'm so fucking sorry.... I didn't know what to do...."

She kissed my head and pulled away wiping me tears before planting another kiss on my forehead. "There is nothing you have to be sorry for Kia...Just...just tell me what happened....." She placed her hands on my cheeks wiping the tears away from my eyes.

"I.." I took a deep breath before meeting Tom's eyes in the entryway. "It was was the year mark and ummm...yeah.. he beat me up frm all the "pain" I put him threw and that's all I remember before...he shoved your pills down my throat and waking up screaming for Tom in the hospital..." I pulled away to walk over to Tom. " I'm sorry... "

He smiles and pulls me into a hug and kisses my head. "Darling you thought you were doing the right's ok...why don't you go lay down...I'll be in there in a minute ok?" I nod and hugged Sam before exiting the room to my room to lay down before closing the door leaving everyone in the living area.

When I got to my room I took off my clothes and looked at my naked body threw my standing mirror my sister got me. The scar from the flesh wound from the stabbing and the dried blood and bruises made me more insecure. The doctor said they weren't as bad as they bad as they looked but they didn't. They remained me of the dumb idea that my stupid ass mind put me threw. Tears formed in my eyes as I traced the scar. It was black and blue and the scar was so little but it looked so bad. I felt like I was being watched, I looked up only to see Tom staring at my with red puffy eyes.

"You ok?" He asked taking off his shirt and handing it to me.

"Y-yeah... It's not like this had happened before..." I smiled threw the mirror before turning around to take the shirt and slid it on before retrieving a pair of underwear from my dresser. " I just feel so ugly and unsafe no matter where I go. I either get," I sit on his lap as he gets situated on the bed as I wrap my arms around his neck and rest my head on his forehead as we look deep into each others eyes. "Hurt or end up not feeling the best. I don't know, that just sounds really fucking dumb.."

"It doesn't... You just need to know that your beautiful and safe. I will make sure it stays that way. Ok?" He kissed my head as I smiled kissing him deeper on the lips.

"Ok..." I push him down and lay on his bare chest as he plays with my hair and runs his hand up under my shirt and down my back.

"Can we..." I started before he kissed my head "Can we go away on vacation before the premiere? Just me and you?" I asked lifting my head up a bit to look into his eyes.

"Sure, where would you like to go?" He asked sitting up a bit while I slide down a bit having my head rest on his stomach.

"Somewhere tropical. Like Bora Bora!" I yelled slightly before whining from the pain it put on my scar.

He chuckled and smiled before pulling me to his face planting a wet kiss on my lips. "Yeah, I'll look later.  For now you need sleep." He pushed my gently next to him and covers me up and plays with my hair as I smile.

"I love you..." I whispered quietly as I was drifting off to sleep.

"I love you too Angel..." He kissed my head before quickly falling asleep after me.

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