Chapter 2

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Throughout the class , Jungkook felt as if he was being watched by someone ...and on seeing who it was ...he was shocked ...
He saw a very handsome boy staring at him ...

'he is so handsome' Jungkook thought to himself and smiled at the boy but his smile faded when the boy rolled his eyes and looked away

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'he is so handsome' Jungkook thought to himself and smiled at the boy but his smile faded when the boy rolled his eyes and looked away ...he was a bit sad but then he thought that maybe he can talk to him after the class and focused on the lesson ...

Taehyung's pov

I was going towards the classroom with my soulmate Jimin when I heard people murmuring something or more like murmuring about someone ...

I looked at where all the people were looking and I was mesmerized by the sight I saw ...
There was a beautiful boy, wearing a cute baby pink jacket walking through the the hallway....he is so cute ....
But when I heard what people are talking about I got to know that he is a rich kid ...and I despise rich kids the most ...they don't know how to value  money and people's feelings ..and I am damn sure that he is also just a rich brat who is living off his parents ...
I diverted my attention from the kid and went to my class ...
After sometime there was a knock on the door and our teacher told the person to come in ...and the person who came in was the same rich kid whom I saw this morning ...and we were informed that he is a new student ...

'i knew it ...who gets admission in the middle of the year off ..' I thought to myself and scoffed ...

He introduced himself as Jeon Jungkook ...and I must say he has a cute name...
'wait. ..what am I even thinking ...he is just like some other rich ass kid .. hmmphh' I said in my mind ...
The teacher told him to sit and he sat down on the desk which was two desks ahead of mine on the left and I could clearly see his face from my desk ...he is really beautiful ...his skin look so smooth and soft , his cute nose,his big doe eyes and his plump lips .. suddenly he turned towards me and smiled ....'god his smile...he is so cu...'
But I reminded myself the things I heard about him and I rolled my eyes at him and looked away .. I can clearly see his smile faded away ...and I immediately felt guilty???
Keeping all of these thoughts away, I concentrated on the lesson ...


Third person's pov...

The class has finally ended and Jungkook saw Taehyung was going out of the class so he quickly ran towards him and called him ...

"Hey ..." Jungkook said and smiled ...

Taehyung turned around and saw who called him and scoffed ...

"What ?" Taehyung asked rudely ...

"Hi ..I am Jungkook " Jungkook said and gave his hand for a handshake ...

"Listen here you brat ... I don't have any interest in talking to you or knowing you ...I know you are a rich ass kid who lives off his parents and looks down on people who are not rich are just a bloody snob don't try to act as if you are an angel from heaven because we all know you are not. rich people don't know how to value money and feelings just think about yourself because you don't have to do anything on your own have lots of maids and servants to do your work ...being rich must be good right??? Huh?? You got admission in such a reputed uni in the middle of the year without even studying just because of your rich ass don't have to do your homework because teachers will not tell you anything can do whatever you like ...why am in even telling you all these things because rich chaebols ( very rich kids in korean) like you don't even have the sense to understand all these ...bloody rich brat ...fuck off " Taehyung said and anger and left the room leaving a very shocked and upset Jungkook who was trying to hold back his tears ...

Jungkook quickly took his bag and ran towards the bathroom, locked it and started sobbing ...

"Why do people don't understand me ??
What did I ever do to them ?? Why do they hate me so much ??" Jungkook said to himself very quietly and continued crying and sobbing ...

After a few minutes of continuous crying, he washed his face and went out of the bathroom ...
He went to the cafeteria and sat down at one of the tables and took out his laptop to work ...

'i should complete the file that was to be submitted today in the company ' Jungkook thought to himself and started working ...

Taehyung was also sitting in the cafeteria with his best friend and Jin hyung because Yoongi, Namjoon and hobi were still in their classes and then he saw Jungkook coming in the cafeteria with his bag ...
He saw Jungkook sitting down on one of the tables and taking out his laptop ...

'hmmph off' Taehyung thought to himself and mentally scoffed ..

Jungkook was still working when someone called him ...

"Kookie ..." That person called
Jungkook turned around and saw his best friend coming towards him ...

"Hi yugy ..." Jungkook said and hugged Yugyeom ..

"I am mad at you " Yugyeom said after they pulled apart and pouted ...

"Why ...what did I do ?" Jungkook asked confused

"Why didn't you tell me that you are joining from today ...I had to ask uncle "

"Aww ...I am so sorry gyeomie ...I was actually busy yesterday with a meeting and completely forgot to call you ....I am sorry ..." Jungkook said and gave him his cute puppy eyes ..

"You know I can't be mad at you because of your weapon ...stop giving me those puppy eyes " Yugyeom said and pinched kookie's cheeks and Jungkook giggled ...

On the other hand, Jimin ,Jin and Taehyung were talking about Jungkook and Yugyeom ...or more like Jimin and Jin were discussing about him ...

"He is the new student right? " Jimin

"Yes .. I heard he is the son of Jeon Junghyun" Jin said

"He is so cute ...just like a bunny" Jimin said

"I know right ...I want to adopt him and keep him all to myself ...he is adorable " Jin said while squealing

"Can you both keep quiet ...and why are we even talking about him " Taehyung said irritatingly

"Behave yourself you brat dare you talk to me like that " Jin said smacked Taehyung

' You all don't know him that's why you are thinking of him as a good guy ...' Taehyung thought while rubbing his head ...


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