Chapter 20

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Once they all reached their houses, everyone went to their room, extremely exhausted from the long fun day they experienced ...
They had a light dinner on their way back home, so they decided to just freshen up and go to sleep ...

Taekook also went to there shared bedroom and while jungkook was in shower, Taehyung was constantly contemplating on how to tell the truth to the younger ...
"God !! It was easy tell him on the ride  because of the flow of the's really becoming harder and harder now ...gosh ...!!!!" Taehyung mumbled to himself and was constantly pacing back and forth in the room while rubbing his palms together ...
Suddenly he heard the shower being turned off and started becoming more nervous than he already was ...

"Ok Taehyung got this can do it .. fighting!!!!" He again said to himself and settled himself on the bed ...

The door of the bathroom opened and jungkook came out wearing a white t-shirt and black shorts that were up to his thighs and were exposing his slim and tan legs ...
For a moment Taehyung zoned out by seeing the beauty in front of him and would have actually started drooling if the realisation of the confession didn't hit him ..

Once jungkook was done drying his hair, he came and sat on the bed beside Taehyung but leaving a generous amount of space in between them making Taehyung frown but the elder finally decided to tell everything now ...

"Ummm jungkook!!" Taehyung called out and jungkook hummed ..

"Earlier ...I was trying to tell you ...ummm ..I want you to know the truth as to why know ...I behaved that rudely with you at first ..." Taehyung said very nervously and his head hung low when he heard jungkook sigh deeply ...

"Taehyung look ...i have already told you that I forgave you ...that you are not the 1st one to say such things to me ...yes indeed, you were way too much harsh but I am used to all of that since my childhood , people always said mean things to me since I was a kid and you are also one of those people  ...but the thing that i didn't understand is why would you do that when you yourself are this filthy rich ..." Jungkook said sadly ...

"I don't want to be one of those people koo ...I really don't ...I want to take care of you ...I want to protect you and that is why I will tell you why I was such an asshole to you ... " Taehyung said and jungkook just looked at him telling him to continue ...

"When I was in the 8th grade, I met a boy, his name was Lee Donghyun ..
He was a very shy type of boy who belonged to a middle class family day, I saw him playing alone in the park so I decided to approach him ..he was shocked to see me and when I asked why he was so surprised, he told me that he has never talked to anyone from rich families ...I befriended him first, he was uncomfortable but as time passed by, me and him became very close friends or more like best buddies ...we both knew each other's every secret ...
Time passed by and we were in the final year of our school when he told me that he has a crush on some boy named Han jisook, but he didn't confess because that jisook guy was some rich chaebol's son ...I encouraged him to confess his feelings and after alot of denying, he finally confessed ...I still remember the day when he came running to me, saying that his crush accepted his proposal ...
Everything was going very well ..they both seemed very happy with each other ...two months passed and Donghyun bought promise rings for both of them ...but when he went to give the rings to his so called boyfriend, jisook insulted him in front of the whole school, telling him how cheap he is and how he doesn't deserve to be with a man who is rich ...he humiliated him to the core and he even confessed how he was just playing with donghyun's feelings all those times  and that people like him doesn't deserve to live and breath the same air as the rich people like him... Donghyun ran away towards his home and locked himself ...he didn't let anyone to meet him ..I went to his house several times, but he was not even letting me enter, telling me that I am also like those rich bastards who just use people for their needs ...and the next morning the thing I knew was that I..I .. lost my best friend ...he ...he ..commited " Taehyung said and cried out loud thinking about the past and jungkook was quick enough to embrace him in his arms, softly patting his hair and whispering sweet nothings into his ears ... Taehyung was just crying his heart out , burying his face in jungkook's neck  ...after calming down a bit, Taehyung continued ...

"That is why ..I ..I was behaving like that to you ...not only to you ..but everybody who is rich except our hyungs and close people ...I am sorry ...I am so so sorry ...I am such a asshole ..I should have not done to horrible things ..." Taehyung said a little bit sniffling....

" I am sorry to hear such a thing about your friend ...but you know what you did wrong ?" Jungkook said and it was clear from his voice that he was trying to control himself from crying ...

"You didn't give me any chance didn't believe me jumped onto conclusions without even knowing what the truth was never gave me any chance to explain myself never saw the true me believed those rumours ...and the worst, you bullied me insulted me did the same thing  that jisook did to your friend hated me without reason said such bad and mean words to me without thinking that how those things hurt me and how much I was suffering ...this is your fault ..." Jungkook said and now he was also sobbing ...
Taehyung pulled away from the hug and quickly cupped jungkook's cheeks, wiping the tears away with the pad of his thumb ...

"No, no koo ..plz don't cry ...I know I did all wrong ..I should not have done those horrible things ...i am really sorry koo ...but plz...plz give me a chance to prove myself prove that I have changed prove that I will take care of you and protect you ...plz koo ..." Taehyung said hopefully ...

Jungkook who was still sobbing, thought for a while and nodded his head hesitantly ..

"Thank you so much koo...and I promise, I will never disappoint you...ever again  .." Taehyung said and embraced jungkook who snuggled closer to the warmth still a bit sniffling ...

'thanks koo ... I will love and protect you with my life from now, my little bun ... I love you " Taehyung thought to himself and smiled ...

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