Chapter 26

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It was another day, another morning and all of the group members were sitting in their respective classes (Jimin and Jin in  history class, Namjoon and Yoongi in business studies class , Jungkook and Taehyung in maths class and hobi in music class ), trying to concentrate on the lessons but Taehyung was busy in his own world ...
After thinking about the whole situation with his koo and his hyungie, he finally came to a ridiculous conclusion that it would be better if he ignored his koo ...
Yes, indeed it would hurt a bit .. who is he even kidding? I would hurt a lot, to the point that he would not want to do anything that make sense, to the point that he would go crazy but then again, all those insecurities came back thrashing in his mind and made him more determined to forget about his koo or at least try to forget about him because according to him, his koo's happiness matters the most ...

'of course he wouldn't like me ! Why would he ...I  have been nothing but an asshole to him ...he doesn't like me  ...he doesn't need me to stay happy ...I will never come between his happiness ...yes, that's what I will do ...I will ignore him...that's better ...he will eventually forget about me ...' Taehyung thought to himself with full determination and smiled sadly

Soon lunch time came and Jungkook was waiting for his taetae hyung to go the cafeteria together...just as he was about to call Taehyung, Taehyung rushed out of the room without even sparing a single glance at Jungkook and this made Jungkook a bit upset ...

'maybe he is just hungry' Jungkook  thought to himself and followed Taehyung ...

As soon as, Jungkook entered the cafeteria, he was greeted by all his friends with wide smiles and hugs except for one, Taehyung ...
Taehyung just kept a poker face and was constantly avoiding any eye contact with Jungkook and this didn't went unnoticed by anyone ...
Jungkook sat on the chair beside Taehyung, but Taehyung shifted his chair a little further from Jungkook which made everyone shocked ...

"Taehyung are you ok?" Jin asked seriously concerned ...

"Yes, I am fine ...what would happen to me...I am good " Taehyung said in the fake normal voice ...

They all nodded but Jungkook wasn't convinced ...he knew that something is bothering his taetae hyung and he decided to ask him later ...
They all started enjoying their food while chatting and laughing on the random dad jokes made by Jin but Jungkook noticed that the smiles and giggles that Taehyung was passing to everyone were fake and were not reaching his eyes ...and this made him extremely worried about him , because his taetae hyung was always so cheerful and happy,he wondered what could have gone wrong for him to behave like that ...
That day, Jungkook didn't get any chance to talk to Taehyung  because he didn't have any more classes together ...

The next day came and Taehyung was yet again trying to ignore the younger... whenever Jungkook tried to approach him, he would just run away from there or would make any stupid excuse just like now, right now he is standing in the college washroom, leaning his back against the door and patting his heavily beating chest ...

'calm down can do it ...just ignore him like this and he will eventually not come to you anymore ...but this stupid heart doesn't understand my situation still beats like a drum when koo comes near me ...stupid stupid heart ...don't betray me like this ...' Taehyung thought to himself and tried to calm himself  ...

And Jungkook on the other hand could not understand as to why Taehyung was behaving like this but he didn't think much of a reason for it ....
'maybe he did not notice me or maybe he is busy ' Jungkook thought everytime Taehyung ran away from him ...

This thing went on and on for days...Jungkook was constantly trying to talk to Taehyung and Taehyung was avoiding him like he was completely invisible ...
He was talking to everyone else normally but when it comes to Jungkook he just faces the other direction and completely forgets his presence and to say that the other members were shocked was an understatement. ..

They couldn't decipher as to what happened to the Taehyung who was so whipped for his koo that he couldn't stop looking and admiring the younger with heart eyes ...what happened to the Taehyung who never got tired of talking about his koo ...why is Taehyung avoiding kookie like a plague ...
They saw how sad and gloomy Jungkook looked when Taehyung yet again ignored his presence and glanced at each other and nodded their head silently deciding to have a talk about the topic ...


Hey my little bunnies ...
How are you ?
Did you eat well ?

Btw what is your age?

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