Chapter 3

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We had all moved to the Gifted dorm that weekend. Claire was bummed that we wouldn't be roommates anymore because we all got separate rooms but that didn't stop her from planning movie nights and sleepovers every Friday.

It was our first day in the Gifted program, we all had arrived early (me, Claire, Punn, Korn, Namtaan, and Wave). Also in the class were the twins from class III Jack and Joe. I had met them the day of enrollment and they rarely went anywhere without the other. They're both very nice and reminded me of Ohm. Speaking of Ohm, he was also with us in the program along with his classmate Mon. Mon was from Class II as well and she was a sporty kind of girl but very friendly nevertheless.

Pang was the last to arrive much to Wave's dismay who didn't expect him to show up. I sat beside Namtaan on the last seat in the 1st row and behind me was Ohm. Pang looked a little scared to come in so I waved and called him over before pointing to the only vacant seat left which was between Korn and Ohm.

"Hey, Pang." I greeted cheerfully, earning a small smile from the Class VIII kid. He looked around and I saw how he tried not to look back because Wave was clearly annoyed with his presence. He sat behind Ohm along with the twins. I looked at Ohm who was rummaging around his pencil case then I turned to Pang who still looked uneasy. I silently nudged Ohm and gestured to Pang. Ohm smiled before nodding at me.

"Do you have a pen I can borrow?" He asked Pang, who smiled before nodding.

"Yes, hold on." Pang answered, reaching in his bag for an extra pen and handing it to Ohm.

"Thank you. Are you the student from Room 8?" Ohm asked and Pang nodded.

"You know me?" He asked Ohm who nodded in return.

"Of course. You're the first student from Room 8 to get into The Gifted Program. Everybody is talking about you." Ohm explained and Pang nodded in understanding.

"I was afraid the program would be full of students from Room 1. I was terrified that I'd only be surrounded by nerds. "Ohm revealed and I jokingly glared at him.

"What's wrong with students from Room 1 Ohm?" I threatened and his eyes widened.

"N-nothing Jai! I didn't mean you, I meant the other Room 1 kids." He explained, whispering the last part.

"You mean Punn and Wave don't you?" I whispered back as Pang leaned in to listen as well. Ohm nodded in approval.

"Punn, I'm okay with cause at least he's not a complete jerk like someone I know." He whispered back and he suddenly flinched when he heard the chair behind him screech. Ohm very slowly turned his head and I tried not to laugh at his face when I saw Wave glare at him.

"Anyways, it's good to see students from other rooms as well. I'm Ohm from Room 2." Ohm introduced himself, sticking his hand out for Pang who happily shook it. I smiled as Ohm made Pang a little more comfortable in the program.

We all stopped chattering when the door opened. We all settled in our seats as a teacher walked in. He looked a bit young but very clean-cut and proper-looking.

"Hello, students. My name is Porama. You can call me Mr. Pom." He introduced himself with a smile.

"From this day on, I'll be the advisor of the Gifted students such as yourselves. All of you are outstanding students. All of you have special gifts hidden within you. " He continued before turning on the projector, showing the logo of the Gifted program on the screen.

"The Gifted Program entails a lot of rules and details. You may have seen the badge box and documents under your desk." He said, prompting all of us to look and take out the mentioned objects, placing them on our desks. The badge box was furnished with blue velvet fabric. I reached for the documents and on it were the rules for the program as well some history behind it.

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