Chapter 20

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Infirmary, Ritdha High School

Time sat up on his bed with Grace & Third standing on either side of his bed.

"So, the seniors are having a fight because one of them spread the virus." Time said as Grace nodded.

"Yes. And that person is P'Korn." Grace revealed.

"So, we're sick because of those seniors. Grace, why haven't you told the teachers?" Third angrily asked.

"Calm down." Time said, looking at Third calmly.

"Why should we calm down? Are you siding with them?" Third accused.

"Are you picking a fight with me again?" Time yelled.

"Both of you, stop!" Grace scolded and the two boys looked at her. "I didn't tell you this so you would start a quarrel." She warned them.

"What do you want to do, Grace?" Time asked, looking at Grace.

"P'Korn has escaped. If we want to solve this, we need to find him." Grace answered. "We alone wouldn't be able to handle it. We need to tell the teachers." She finished, looking at the two.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"Thanakorn, huh? You didn't expect that, did you, Mr. Pom?" Director Supot sneered at Mr. Pom who sat across from him and Ms. Darin.

"Yes. Natnicha told me. Thanakorn has fled the school." Mr. Pom answered, wringing his hands nervously and worriedly.

"You have a job to take care of those students. How could you let him do this without any clues?" Ms. Darin accused and Mr. Pom took a deep breath.

"Thanakorn keeps things to himself. No one knows what he's thinking, even his friends. I have tried to talk to him several times. But he's the only student who has never opened up to me." Mr. Pom explained before shooting Ms. Darin a glare.

"Have you tried hard enough as the supervisor of the Gifted Program? Do you know him well? Tell me honestly. If it hadn't been him who did this, would you have even cared about him as a Gifted student?" Mr. Pom angrily spat.

"Is your defense mechanism acting up, Mr. Pom?" Ms. Darin accused, trying to pin the blame on Mr. Pom.

"Same as yours, Ms. Darin." Mr. Pom replied.

"Enough." The director ordered. "This is not the time for us to fight over something insignificant." He pointed out.

"All right, Ms. Darin. Pom and I need to think about how to treat the infected students. I want you to take charge of finding Thanakorn. You can do it, can't you?" He asked, facing Ms. Darin who nodded.

"Yes, I can. I'll reach out to the Ministry for assistance. " She answered and the director nodded. Mr. Pom looked at the two in suspicion as his worry grew for his beloved class XV.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


I don't know how long I was unconscious when I suddenly heard arguing. My head hurt so bad and I groaned in pain.

"Is she dead?" That was Ohm's voice.

"She's breathing idiot. Stop jumping to conclusions and stop holding her hand!" Wave's voice spat.

"Hey! I'm her friend! Friends can hold hands and worry about each other! Stop being such a possessive boyfriend!"

"Why you little-"

Mudita ; The Gifted 2018Where stories live. Discover now