Chapter 21

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After what happened to Korn, Jai's accident and Time's death, Director Supot and Mr. Pom had disappeared. Ms. Darin was ordered by the Ministry to apprehend him, but he was nowhere to be found.

Pang had locked himself in his room for the rest of the week, blaming himself for what had happened to his friends. Ohm begged him to come out and talk but he wasn't listening and cried for days.

The rest of Class XV rarely spoke to each other after the incident. They were civil but everyone knew that things had changed drastically.

Punn and Claire had broken up, Mon kept herself busy with club activities, Jack and Joe hung out with Ohm and Wave kept his distance from Pang. He was furious that Pang ignored his calls and warnings and he never got an answer as to what really happened. He was furious that Jai was in the hospital, helpless and still unconscious and he blamed Pang for what had happened to her.

With every chance he got, he would go see Jai with Claire and sometimes the others, except for Punn and Pang went too. It had been a few days since the incident and Wave constantly asked their family doctor if Jai would wake up soon.

Punn would visit as well but only when he was alone and Pang sneaked in from time to time to check on her.

In fact, the only reason they could visit Jai was because P'Beam had argued with them because she knew Class XV were the only people besides her and P'New that she considered family. Her parents were a no-show but P'Beam knew that deep down, they still cared about their daughter.

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The Gifted Class XV were called to Ms. Darin's office for interrogation. Ohm stared at his friends sadly as he felt the uncomfortable silence and tension in the group. He stood away from them, observing in sorrow. Punn, Claire, Jack, and Joe sat on the chairs but Claire and Punn kept their distance from each other. Wave leaned against the wall behind Claire and Mon did the same on the opposite end behind Jack.

They were then called one by one and each of them answered as honest as they could. Ms. Darin became more desperate by the second as none of them could give her straight answers.

"After what happened, we have rarely talked to each other. I don't know what else to do. Korn caused friction in our group. When no one was willing to compromise, we couldn't stand to be around each other." Ohm complained to Ms. Darin.

"Was anyone an accomplice in Korn's doing?" She asked.

"I don't know." Ohm answered and after that, Punn went next and Ms. Darin asked the same questions.

"I told you everything that day. How can you think I worked with Korn?" Punn answered.

"I am not suspicious of you. What I want to know is, is there anyone in your group who knew about Korn's plan? Or did he work alone without involving any of his friends?" She asked.

"I don't know if he worked with anyone. But his closest friend was Mon." Punn revealed and just like that, Mon was called in next.

"I was close to him. But I didn't know anything about his plan. If I'd known, I wouldn't have let him ruin his life like that. But what I want to know now is, will Korn be okay?" Mon asked, tone full of worry as Ms. Darin looked at her in pity.

"Don't you worry about that. But right now, I need to know if any of you agreed or was pleased with what Korn did." She asked and the twins separately went in, Joe first then Jack.

"I don't know." Joe answered.

"I don't know either." Jack replied before leaving with his twin. Claire went next and it was clear that she was visibly the angriest among the class. She answered the same set of questions and when it came down to the last one, she was fuming.

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