Chapter 18

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A lot had changed since the director lifted the rules regarding the classes. Access to facilities such as the Wi-Fi and good food were no longer limited to high- ranking classes. Housing and lodging were also more lenient. The girls and I (Claire, Mon and myself) shared a dorm room while the boys (Pang, Wave, Ohm and Korn) shared another with the exception of Punn and the twins who got their own separate rooms.

Class schedules were also the same, no class got out early or late.

Today, we were going to meet Mr. Pom at the Gifted classroom. I walked to the classroom, hand in hand with Wave as we waited for the rest to arrive. Pang arrived late as usual and we all smiled proudly, happy to be back.

It felt weird to be back in the classroom after a year of not being in the Gifted class but at the same time, it felt like home.

"As you are aware, the Gifted class is a three-year program. In the first year, you study together in this room to discover and develop your potential in the initial stage. In the second year, we focus on potential development outside the classroom. You will get to practice and master your potential." Mr. Pom explained.

"We missed one year. Will it have any effect?" Punn asked.

"I talked to the Director. Even though you missed a year, from what I could see on the Placement Exam day when you used your potentials, it's clear that you all have got much better on your own, despite my disagreement on how you used your improved powers. Therefore, you can skip to the third-year curriculum for M6, which is about self-exploring and development to discover and progress the learners to reach their limits." Mr. Pom announced and we all looked at each other happy to know that we unknowingly passed the M5 curriculum of the Gifted class.

"But we are just M6 students. Is it necessary to discover our limits within this year? Isn't that a bit rushed?" Pang asked.

"It's not. Your university education is aimed to prepare you for your career. If you cannot reach your limit before you graduate M6, afterward you may progress very slowly or stop progressing altogether." Mr. Pom explained and we all nodded in understanding.

"All right, that means today is the last time you will get to be here. After this, we will meet one-on-one. Each of you will meet me to report your progress three times a week." Mr. Pom announced and I pouted, sad to know that this will be the last time we would all sit in this classroom.

"Since today is the last day in this room, we will..." Mr. Pom continued.

"We will throw a party to bid farewell to this room, right?" Ohm instigated and Mr. Pom held back a laugh.

"No. We will clean it up." He told us and we all groaned.

"There, the brooms are back there. Grab one, guys." He continued, as we all looked to the closet in annoyance.

"Come on. Your juniors will use this room next." Mr. Pom pushed as we all looked at each other, not wanting to clean up.

I heard Ohm snap his fingers and a bottle of iced tea appeared on my desk. I looked beside me and Punn had one too and so did everyone else.

"What are you doing, Ohm?" Mr. Pom asked him.

"Come on, just a sip to say goodbye to this room before we clean it up. Can we?" Ohm said, opening the bottle and standing up. Mr. Pom looked at him disapprovingly as he drank the tea.

"All right guys, cheers!" He yelled as we all held our bottles in the air.

"Want a bottle?" Ohm teased Mr. Pom who finally let out a smile and shook his head at us.

Mudita ; The Gifted 2018Where stories live. Discover now