Chapter 4

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"Each person has a different gift, and its source is closer to you than you may think. It comes from your personality, characteristics, and behavior. Have you noticed that some of your friends have a unique character? For example, a student who always takes a nap in class, but still ends up at the top of the class. It's possible that the student has a gift in which his brain still works even when he's sleeping. One person may have the ability to know things without being told, which is what they would call..." Mr. Pom explained.

"A nosy bitch?" Claire asked and I laughed, prompting her to wink at me.

"It's not polite to say bad words in class, Claire. It's not that. It's possible that the person has the ability to hear even the softest noise, and they can hear everything people say. In summary, one of these things could be your gift. As a Gifted alumnus, I'd like to confirm this." Mr. Pom said and he nodded to Namtaan who had raised her hand.

"What is your gift?" Namtaan asked and Mr. Pom lightly laughed.

"Don't think about my gift for now. Let's focus on yours. Before we go any further, who here has discovered their gift? Raise your hand." Mr. Pom asked as the twins, Wave, Claire, Punn, Namtaan and Mon raised their hands. The only people not raising their hands were me, Korn, Pang, and Ohm. I frowned as I realized a lot of us had discovered our gifts already but I didn't discourage myself.

"Very good. I want each of you to introduce yourself to your friends. Tell us what your gift is, and how it came to be. Let's start." Mr. Pom said as Punn stood up and walked to the front of the class.

"Hello. My name is Punn Taweesilp. I am the kind of person who tries to do his best at everything. Some may call me a perfectionist."

"Like a person who is good at everything?" Namtaan asked and Punn nodded.

"I used to think I was a fast learner. But lately, it's become so fast to the point that I can just watch a person do something and mimic them right away." Punn explained before pulling out his phone to watch a basketball game before putting it back in his pocket and shooting the paper ball he had in his hand perfectly in the trash bin.

After Punn, Claire introduced herself and explained her gift. She had the ability to literally see emotions through a form of synesthesia which enables her to see a person's aura and associates the color of that aura to a certain emotion.

After Claire, the twins walked up to the front but not before handing me 2 stems of sunflowers. I smiled at the two boys in thanks.

"My name is Jack."

"My name is Joe. We are in sync." The twins introduced themselves before proceeding to blindfold their eyes. Mr. Pom lightly tapped Joe's right knee with a reflex hammer and both him and Jack moved their right leg. Claire harshly slapped Jack's shoulder and they both winced in pain as they touched both their right shoulders.

"A few days ago, I touched an object and saw strange images. I thought it was a hallucination because I had never seen those images before. But now I know it's a flashback of what the item has been through." Namtaan explained and Claire laughed.

"Can we call this gift "the gift of being a nosy bitch"?" We all looked at her.

"I just want to get to know my friend's gift. Show us." Claire challenged and Namtaan closed her eyes and touched Claire's pencil case.

"There used to be the word "Medfai" on this pencil case. Who's Medfai?" Namtaan asked as she looked at Claire. Korn laughed.

"It's the old name of..." He started but was cut off by Claire's stern glare.

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