Part II - Cosmetics Goddess: 13. Arrival in the Capital

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Exhausted, Cui Xi, Xiao Yu, and the boy in black trudged in under the main northwest gate into the outer area of the capital.

Cui Xi was immediately dejected. Even after entry, the center of the city was probably over two li away. She supposed this was to be expected after all most cities of this type were designed to repel invaders and having physical barriers was an obvious part of the design. She could see too that the gates were offset and not directly in line with the gate before it. One, two, three...ugh so many walls...

Cui Xi squinted, trying to absorb what she was seeing.

Climbing in the distance, the elevation of the city actually rose up against a ridge of mountains with the imperial palace set like a shining jewel nestled against forested peaks. It was a clear statement that the seat of power was here. Unfortunately, she was unimpressed by the sight of it, being sore and tired and still racking her brains about what to do with the boy.

Since he had refused to talk about his background or why he had been pursued by assassins, Cui Xi had not pressed him while he was still recovering from his injuries. However, he had not even bothered to give a name, so Cui Xi had resorted to calling him "Little Black" or Xiao Hei for the sake of convenience.

Initially, she thought he would leave upon recovering from his injuries, but he made no indication of doing so. In fact, he had sworn to serve her and stuck to glue. Although he could sometimes be quite moody, he was surprisingly obedient. Not at all a spoilt young master type, he was more like a spoilt young guard dog type.

Passing through the final gate did not get them any closer to rest. After hours of wandering in the suburb area, they finally found a place to stay and spent the next few days in recuperation and reconnaissance.

After the third day of rest, Cui Xi decided she was bored, and it was now time to investigate the city. Xiao Yu was busy repurchasing medical supplies she'd had to abandon on the road, while Xiao Hei was excited at the prospect of checking the scene.

"Mistress, I'll go with you," he pleaded, as she was about to descend the stairs of the inn where they were staying. She waved her farewell to Xiao Yu, who pointedly ignored them as her entire focus was taken up with a new medical text she'd just purchased. Without any regard for their fingers, the door was shut with a curt shlaat.

Cui Xi grinned to herself. Good...Xiao Yu doesn't seem to be homesick. Now about this dog...

"Xiao Hei, I've things to do. You'll just get in the way..." she sighed, resisting.

"Mistress, the capital is huge...I can at least protect you from people with bad intentions."

"Xiao Hei...I'm the one with bad intentions...I'm going to a flower house*...are you sure you want to come?"

"Haah...?" he blinked at her with his mouth open. Then he closed it with a snap.

For a moment, Xiao Hei looked like he'd swallowed a cat, but then he gave a huge sigh and nodded despite looking like his butthole had squeezed itself shut with disapproval.

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