Part V - Mistress of Hidden Night City: 88. The Emperor

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When Zhao Ling Xian showed up at her door a few days later, abruptly announcing that she was to be escorted to the palace, she noticed that he looked thinner again. Barely looking at her, he handed her into the carriage, and didn't speak to her once for the entire ride there.

Suffering from a buildup of resentment, she was already mentally exhausted when An He finally ushered her into the presence of the emperor. However, she shoved her feelings to the back of her mind as soon as she saw the strangely blank look on the emperor's face.

" is the little bird!" he said absently as if he had forgotten why he had summoned her. "Oh, never mind that...dispense with the formalities" exclaimed the emperor kindly as she moved to kneel. "Come closer."

He waved at An He, who very carefully helped him to sit up in the luxurious bed.

"Your Majesty," An He said in a voice tinged with pleading.

The emperor chuckled, waving him away as if he was some overbearing hen.

"Tea! Give the girl some tea."

"Your Majesty," she greeted, dipping gracefully.

Cui Xi kept her face neutral, but her hands were sweating. Women entered into the bedchamber of the emperor for only one reason....and even his sons could not enter to attend at his sick bed without his permission. She had also not forgotten what had happened the last time she'd been completely alone with him.

"Ah yes...not only did you become Xian'er's princess consort, you are now a most precious princess of Xiyu. Quite a feat, my dear. It has been a good show! Come!" he patted the bed, beside him.

Cui Xi looked into his eyes, lowered them, and then approached the bed, gingerly sitting down next to him.

"Ah! That's better! Zhen can see that pretty face of yours now," the emperor smiled.

"Are you feeling any better Father Emperor?" she asked.

"Hah! I'm fine! Look at Zhen," he chuckled, but the raspy laugh turned into a small coughing fit. She stood up and patted his back.

"Impudence!!" An He hissed, but he made no move to stop her.

While the emperor was a little startled, as he had not given permission for her to touch him, he did not say anything. When the coughing subsided, she sat back down, allowing him to grasp her hand.

"You're such a good child," he said patting her fingers.

"Father Emperor, you have something to say to me?" she asked cautiously.

"Ah, that's right...Zhen does, little bird!" he smirked a little at her tone. "Don't be afraid," he added.

"Yes, Father Emperor." What do you want, you crazy old pervert?

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