Part IV - The Western Emerald: 81. Coma

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White. White light.

What is this?


Where...? Where am I?

She heard odd sounds around her. Beeping.

Cui Xi couldn't open her eyes. She felt heavy...Trapped in her own flesh. Why?

The beeping sped up.

"Miss thirty-four. Miss, it's alright. What are you dreaming about?" a calming voice said, very close to her. She heard some rustling of cloth, the clank of something metal, and smelled the scent of bleach and wanted to recoil, but her body would not obey her.

"What's up?" asked another voice. Cui Xi frowned at the shuffling steps...pak, pak, pak...

"Thirty-four is dreaming. No problem, it's alright. A bad dream."

"Her resting pulse is normally seventy. We have one hundred and ten..."

"Everything else is normal. Just restless."

"Ok. Call me if there's anything else...It's a shame."


"Yeah. All of her identification was gone when we found her, but I can tell she is a tourist."

"Is the foreign office still looking into it? She came all the way here and then had such a terrible accident."

"Who knows. People do strange things."

" really think she tried to kill herself...?"

There was a pause.

The beeping increased.

Cui Xi was in full panic.

This is a hospital! Am I back? A'Xian where are you?

She struggled to move her body, but no matter how she tried she could not move her limbs and could not open her eyes.

"Strange. Her eyelids are flickering rapidly. Heart rate...Oh...she's crying!"

"Pitiful little thirty-four. Hey, it's ok. It's ok. You're alright," the soothing voice was back again, and Cui Xi jumped, feeling the reassuring pat of a warm hand on her shoulder. In reality, her body did not move.

"Do you think she's going to wake up?"

There was another pause.

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