Part V - Mistress of Hidden Night City: 85. Problematic Princess

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Running out of the hall, Zhao Ling Xian turned towards his mother's palace with Zhao Ling Ye just a few steps behind him.

"Xi'er, it'll be alright," he whispered to her as she moaned and thrashed.

"I'll go meet Yang Ming Xi and bring him to your Imperial Consort Mother's place," said the Eldest Prince, putting a hand on his brother's arm. "Hurry...I think Ashina Atil used Frost Bone powder on her. It shouldn't permanently damage her, but it's really painful if you try to force it out without the antidote...."

Both brothers set off at dead runs, but by the time he reached his mother's palace, Zhao Ling Xian was sweating with anxiety, and his colour was almost worse than Cui Xi's. It was killing him that he could not bear her pain for her.

Cui Xi could move now, but her whole body was afire with agony. The drug had been detoxified at a higher than normal rate, as such the side effects had been magnified. Even though she had not been physically hurt, the nerve pain was beyond what she could bear, and she could not hold back her cries. Slowly, Zhao Ling Xian's worried face also swam into focus as her eyesight returned to normal.

"It hurts!" she gasped out, her body jerking taut as she held onto him.

"I'm here. Just scream if it hurts. Bite down on my arm too if you need to" he said, finally running up the stairs to the main entry. His sleeve was already covered in bloody marks and blood was dripping down his wrist.

"Your Highness!" gasped Lady Li when she saw them. She held the door open as he ran in. "Her Highness is already in bed...what has happened to your concubine??"

"Lady Li, don't trouble Consort Mother to get out of bed..."

"It's alright A'Xian...what's happened?" asked a slightly dishevelled Imperial Consort Zhang. She looked no less serene or elegant draped in a casual robe that had obviously been tied hastily, but it was clear she had been startled by the screaming. She took one look at Cui Xi and immediately directed the maids to help her son get Cui Xi into the side chamber. The maids helped to strip off Cui Xi's clothes, throwing down the Xiyu style clothing in distaste. With calm efficiency, the Consort continued to give orders and the entire palace was suddenly humming with military efficiency.

"I'm- I'm sorry," Cui Xi gasped and sobbed in between screams. "To- To...have troubled you..."

Her body was completely soaked in sweat and she twisted up off the bed, wanting to cut her on flesh off to stop the burning. She could only writhe and twist her hands into the bedsheets.


"Don't speak, silly child!" Consort Zhang scolded. "I've lived so many years in the palace. What have I not seen? If you cannot endure the pain, just bite his arm."

A'Xian gave an abrupt bark of laughter. His mother was so reliable and could take charge of any situation, but she must really like this daughter-in-law to have even suggested such a thing.

But he swallowed when his mother turned furious eyes to him.

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