Part III - Beloved of the Seventh Prince: 41. Owed

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The snow was falling softly outside, and despite the chilliness Zhao Ling Feng had left the window propped open so he could see the garden. Sitting on the bed, with his ankles elegantly crossed, he read the words again, and then glanced at the concubine laying on her stomach looking bored.

"Stay still," he ordered, and poked her with the brush as it swished over her shoulder.

"Ahhh! Your Highness Crown Prince," she whined. "That tickles!"

"This Prince said to stay still," he insisted. "I'm not finished."

The woman pouted.

The words on the letter said: I owe you a dance. Come to the Hundred Flower house with the children.

He gave a short laugh. That girl is a fool. Does she really think that she can outsmart me?

But he suddenly remembered the tantalizing sight of her robe sliding off one creamy, enticing shoulder, the feel of her body under his hand, and that slender delicate throat that would feel wonderful with his fingers wrapped around it as he choked the life out of her.

"I want to see you cry," he said aloud.

"W-What, Your Highness?" the concubine asked, startled.

"Nothing. Be obedient for your Prince," he smiled, kindly.

She simpered, but he dropped the smile as soon as she had turned to face the other way.

I owe you a dance...the words echoed about in his head. He felt something stir in his gut.

Then he smirked wondering how annoyed his Seventh Brother would be, if he stole his woman out from under him...

Hah. How would his face look?

Also, the idea of tormenting her amused him. In the end, she could struggle all she wanted; he would keep the children, he would have his way with her, and she would still have to obtain the tally from his father, all while he sat back and enjoyed the play.

"Ah! The poem is done my may take leave..."

He smiled down at his handiwork.

None the wiser, the concubine stood and without even bothering to cover herself, simply left the room. However, it was not her nakedness that caused the servants to gasp, but rather the painting on her back of a woman very lewdly engaged with two snakes.

Zhao Ling Feng smiled, staring out into the garden.


That evening, A'Lian and Hong'er were surprised to see the Cosmetics Goddess when she entered the pleasure house via the mezzanine, covered in a transparent veil and a fur collared cloak. Even though it was not a night when she would normally perform her Xinyue dance, her little feet jingled with silver bells as she passed from the balcony level and into the third-floor corridor.

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